
These good reviews are all mostly on the other side of town from me. Any rec's for 151 area or NW side (north of culebra/west of 281)? Thanks...
pornstar's Avatar
L1 places mostly all the l3 (good places) ne area
SpursFan's Avatar
Search Happy Feet off of Culebra.
Queens foot massage by the mall
Thank you sirs!
Omassage off Grissom, ask for Ana
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Omassage off Grissom, ask for Ana Originally Posted by Idarc77
Did you see her recently, did see your review on her, just curious.
  • Mimic
  • 11-05-2023, 10:48 AM
What is there? I went once and was horribly disappointed.
Yeah I saw her over the weekend. I visit an AMP in Corpus or SA at least once a week, id spend too much time writing reviews if I did for every time I went. Ana did not disappoint, it helps when you're a generous tipper.