
Is there any providers that do Two girl services?
Add links to sites if possible. Dont want to try and look for them all over the place lol
DownForWhatever's Avatar
Dont want to try and look for them all over the place lol Originally Posted by BigBussyBaby

Try Search...its your friend.

Use terms like "threesome", "doubles" or "combo-meal"...kidding on the that last one.
TexomaCowboy's Avatar
Try Search...its your friend.

Use terms like "threesome", "doubles" or "combo-meal"...kidding on the that last one. Originally Posted by DownForWhatever
Your suggestion is good...with the caveat that the Search Results end in May. There will be no results for June-Present.

One can manually Search per page, using Ctrl+F. It takes a little bit more time, but you can find what you want in the "Encounter Reports - Dallas" forum.

I just tried a Search of the "Don's List 2023 Discussion Thread". I used Ctrl+F on individual pages, Searching for Doubles. Going back, one page at a time, & hitting Ctrl+F on each page, I went back several pages (into August) and found this:

So your suggestion, one way or another, will work for BussyBaby

Edit: I just reread Bussy's second post...
Dont want to try and look for them all over the place
Guess he won't be doing too much manual searching...just another Jabba the Hutt..."Feed me! I'm hungry!" Or was that the Venus fly trap in "Little Shop of Horrors"?
ColetteC's Avatar
struggle to find a dependable pal...