Who said this?, a new game.

“Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable,”.

“Republicans go out on the campaign trail, and go on TV, and do their five-minute hearing videos, and post up on social media and say all this garbage about how they’re going to fight it and stop it,”
Sounds like the words of one of those treasonous MAGA extremists currently occupying the House of Representatives.
HDGristle's Avatar
I'm gonna pretend it's Jeopardy.

Who is, MTG?
eyecu2's Avatar
I'm gonna pretend it's Jeopardy.

Who is, MTG? Originally Posted by HDGristle

Yup. She's not happy unless she's bitching. She would make a great pgh Ho.
“Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable,”.

“Republicans go out on the campaign trail, and go on TV, and do their five-minute hearing videos, and post up on social media and say all this garbage about how they’re going to fight it and stop it,” Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
Lindsey Graham is one of the loudest, never does anything.

When was the last time we heard anything from Mitch McConnell.

Their all in it together, the Swamp. Trump isn’t part of them, the republicans don’t want him as President because he’s against most of them.
I didn’t read the topic, I commented on typical republicans, sorry.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2023, 07:06 PM
“Republican voters across the country are sick and tired of Republicans because they never do anything to hold this government accountable,”.

“Republicans go out on the campaign trail, and go on TV, and do their five-minute hearing videos, and post up on social media and say all this garbage about how they’re going to fight it and stop it,” Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
No, it sound exactly like me, and why I left to become a Libertarian.

I won't even give them the privilege of having an R after my name, or be counted as a Republican.

And, its why Trump won, and likely will again, because we either change the system or just get down to the boogaloo and be done with it.

Much like Israel is learning you can never have peace with Hamas/Gaza, our country is seeing you can't ever live in peace with the far left.

Perhaps all the Jewish voters who have remained loyal to the Dems are finally seeing the same people who embraced them, now want to drive them from the river to the sea, because there are far more Muzzy votes in the world, than Jewish Votes, and, honestly, if the Dems were historically the party of the Klan, you think they actually liked Jewish people?

Nope, now that their usefulness is waining, they'll learn just like all the pissed off inner city folk seeing the Illegal immigrants get better care and welfare than they get.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2023, 07:08 PM
And damn it, I wish Stevepar were here to discuss the Jewish/Israeli politics, it would have been fun to see how he balanced being a liberal Jewish Democrat while looking at that fat, disgusting Talaib, crying to put him to death.
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-07-2023, 07:09 PM
Yup. She's not happy unless she's bitching. She would make a great pgh Ho. Originally Posted by eyecu2
Hey Omar was married to her brother, would she make a good WV ho?
And damn it, I wish Stevepar were here to discuss the Jewish/Israeli politics, it would have been fun to see how he balanced being a liberal Jewish Democrat while looking at that fat, disgusting Talaib, crying to put him to death. Originally Posted by Devo
... Too Right! ... Our mate Steve Par (Rest His Soul)
would surely be blue as a Paris monkey with Talib and
the other shitty "squad" members pissing on the Jews.

And Steve would LOVE the OP's "who said this?" game.

#### Salty
eyecu2's Avatar
Hey Omar was married to her brother, would she make a good WV ho? Originally Posted by Devo
Of course she would. But she would need to lose one to 10 teeth first. Those Appalachians don't believe in going to the dentist.
Of course she would. But she would need to lose one to 10 teeth first. Those Appalachians don't believe in going to the dentist. Originally Posted by eyecu2
... Hey Mate - I used to live over West Virginia-way
for awhile - and have a number of friends there.

I let Devo's bit there go, as he mentioned our mate
(Steve Par) - but let's end the racial bullshit claims
of people in that state. ... Thanks.

#### Salty