Republicans just got their asses handed to them

rmg_35's Avatar
Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, and elsewhere, extremist maga asshole Republicans got their asses handed to them in the latest election. Still think 2024 is looking good?

Closer to pittburgh, in a predominantly Republican district, all 5 Republic candidates screaming about CRT, transphobic, book banning nazis lost to the Dems who swept all five seats.

Great summary to close the article:

"Republicans, you’re on notice: people are fed the fuck up with your bullshit.

keep pushing your anti-woman, anti-education, anti-LGBTQ+, anti-worker, anti-immigrant agenda in the faces of voters.

keep shouting incoherently about “critical race theory.” keep outlawing drag shows. keep banning The Diary of Anne Frank.

and above all, keep forcing ten-year-olds to carry their rapists’ babies."

Still think 2024 is going to be any different?
Couldn't have happened to a nicer party of wannabe dictators. Fuck MAGA, fuck the election deniers and fuck trump. The American people continue to reject their wannabe fascist bullshit.

History will show that the MAGA movement will have lasted about as long as the Confederacy did, and that they are both similar groups of fucking losers (probably more than a few direct descendants in there too).
This election is only to make sure the Voting machines are still doing there job that they are programed for. All Republicans to lose. LOL
onawbtngr546's Avatar
I have family members who have been die-hard reds for as long as they have been alive. They even told me "I'm not voting, because I know Trump will win"... which was funny because I told them last night, the election isn't for Trump.

Now this morning they texted me and said that everyone they wanted to win lost, how could this happen? My cousin, you told me that you didn't vote.

Sure some people I voted for didn't win. Sure some people I didn't vote for won. But if you didn't vote, then you don't have any grounds to complain on.

Voting is a national duty. I don't care who you vote for, but if the guy you voted for wins, congrats! Celebrate. If the guy you didn't vote you wins, I'm sorry, but feel free to be livid and upset.
But if you didn't vote, and you have any opinion on who did or didn't win, well, STFU you have no right to complain. You're an American citizen. You are permitted to vote. If you can't go to the polling place, you can vote by mail. There are ways that you can vote.

But if you complain about the results, and you didn't cast your vote, then you are part of the problem. Red, blue, green, nationalist, socialist, MAGA, GAGA, don't care what your camp is... if you don't vote, by choice, then you have no right to complain about who wins or loses.

Except perhaps in elections outside of your district. Sure get upset someone won something in another state/county/city/district than your own, it doesn't matter. But if you're complain about an election that you chose not to vote in, screw you because you didn't vote
This election is only to make sure the Voting machines are still doing there job that they are programed for. All Republicans to lose. LOL Originally Posted by Boombum
I'm hoping this is sarcasm.
lustylad's Avatar
Closer to pittburgh... Originally Posted by rmg_35
You forgot to mention how Stephen Zappala beat that cop-hating, criminal-coddling, Soros-funded, public safety-undermining, dim-retard dickhead running for Allegheny County DA, Matt Dugan.

We sure dodged a bullet on that one, didn't we?
eyecu2's Avatar
You forgot to mention how Stephen Zappala beat that cop-hating, criminal-coddling, Soros-funded, public safety-undermining, dim-retard dickhead running for Allegheny County DA, Matt Dugan.

We sure dodged a bullet on that one, didn't we? Originally Posted by lustylad
Yup. I like Zappala. He gets my vote.
Yeah, great. Zappala was the scumbag who jailed a woman for having a miscarriage. One of those "pro life" weirdos on a power trip. Only Republicans could welcome that kind of lunacy.
lustylad's Avatar
Yeah, great. Zappala was the scumbag who jailed a woman for having a miscarriage. One of those "pro life" weirdos on a power trip. Only Republicans could welcome that kind of lunacy. Originally Posted by tommy156
Nonsense. The woman put a fetus in her freezer, for fuck's sake. You think that's normal and ok?

And Zappala is anything but "pro life". Here's what he said back in 2016, when our current scumbag Governor ran that dirty & dishonest campaign ad:

"I've got nothing to hide about my position on a woman's right to choose. That's the law of this nation, and as far as I am concerned, I'm not going to tell a woman what to do with her body. That's been my position from the beginning to the end," the D.A. said.
Hate the new ECCIE format.
Republicans (which I am one of) are being strangled by the Trump affect. He’s hated so much that the democrats are rallied. Trumpers just don’t understand that. Being a dick and decisive has consequences.
This election is only to make sure the Voting machines are still doing there job that they are programed for. All Republicans to lose. LOL Originally Posted by Boombum
... Funny thing that you mention that, mate.

And I'm also wondering WHY the lads here haven't even
mentioned the VOTER MACHINE PROBLEMS in a number of states.

Machines either "not working" or having "clerical issues"
in Texas and New Jersey. ...

... You saw what happened in eastern PA here.
The voting machines FLIPPED votes for each candidate!

... But then - NO worrys - IF you believe the explanations
and their rich bullshit.

The machines surely "KNOW" just which votes are which.

The machine doesn't "read" text or words - just the votes,
and will re-tabulate the correct ones on the back-end...

... See? ... THAT is how you RIG elections - by MACHINE.
Blimey! ... No wonder Repubs lost arses and what-not.

#### Salty
rmg_35's Avatar
... Funny thing that you mention that, mate.

And I'm also wondering WHY the lads here haven't even
mentioned the VOTER MACHINE PROBLEMS in a number of states.

Machines either "not working" or having "clerical issues"
in Texas and New Jersey. ...

... You saw what happened in eastern PA here.
The voting machines FLIPPED votes for each candidate!

... But then - NO worrys - IF you believe the explanations
and their rich bullshit.

The machines surely "KNOW" just which votes are which.

The machine doesn't "read" text or words - just the votes,
and will re-tabulate the correct ones on the back-end...

... See? ... THAT is how you RIG elections - by MACHINE.
Blimey! ... No wonder Repubs lost arses and what-not.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
More crybaby magas can't take the fact that Republicans got their asses handed to them because they can't seem to nominate electable candidates. Their stuck dominating asshole maga candidates with extreme views. Racist, homopobic, misogynistic, xenophobic, hate-filled, anti-women, anti-lgbtq+, book banning, and extreme abortion stances are not going to win elections, but that's the jackass maga and the insurrectionist treasonist traitor tRump playbook that they can't get away from. Any moderate Republicans either are gutless and stay quiet to this bullshit or labeled a RINO. It has nothing to do with "rigged" machines.

Looks real good in 2024!!!
Republicans got their asses handed to them.

There are 26 Republican Governors 24 Democrat. How is that having their so-called asses handed to them.

Consider a Xanax it may calm you down. You also may be more accurate in what you accuse Republicans are against and not make false accusations if you want some credibility!
There are 26 Republican Governors 24 Democrat. How is that having their so-called asses handed to them Originally Posted by Chase7
Since trump became president in 2016, Republicans have lost 25 seats in the House, 5 seats in the Senate, and 4 governorships.

He's clearly an albatross around the party's neck. But by all means, keep running with your boy lol. MAGA.