stick this one up your liberal asses

chizzy's Avatar
gee harvard and the us treasury both agree...
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 11-12-2023, 12:22 PM
eyecu2's Avatar
Baloney from the Western Journal- a "conservative publication" known to alter facts and distort out comes.
Ad Fontes Media rates Western Journal in the Hyper-Partisan Right category of bias and as Unreliable, Problematic in terms of reliability. Western Journal is an online publication that presents news, commentary and analysis. Its mission is to focus on topics “that Heartland Americans care about” and “upholds traditional Christian values as articulate in the Bible.” The Journal, based in Phoenix, Arizona, includes content from Conservative Tribune, Liftable and The Wildcard. Founded in 2009 as Western Journalism, a project of the Western Center for Journalism, it is now owned by Liftable Media, funded by Floyd Brown, who also created the Political Action Committee, Citizen United.

Overall Score
The following are the overall bias and reliability scores for Western Journal according to our Ad Fontes Media ratings methodology.

Reliability: 23.66

Bias: 19.68

You guys will really post anything won't you?? Keep throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Honestly you're better than that.

No Dems or "Libs" will stick that up anything as it's already covered in ass from the site that supports the GOP bull crap message.

Next thing you'll start bloviating about energy independence, where for 3 whole months during the pandemic we actually exported more oil and gas products that we consumed.

Funny how a pandemic will shut down consumption about 80% - but you just keep on doing you. All ass shoving aside
... Aint showin' much respect for the OP, are you?

... I thought that the piece there surely made some sense.

#### Salty
pittlicker's Avatar
Making sense and being factual are two different things.
chizzy's Avatar
Baloney from the Western Journal- a "conservative publication" known to alter facts and distort out comes.
Ad Fontes Media rates Western Journal in the Hyper-Partisan Right category of bias and as Unreliable, Problematic in terms of reliability. Western Journal is an online publication that presents news, commentary and analysis. Its mission is to focus on topics “that Heartland Americans care about” and “upholds traditional Christian values as articulate in the Bible.” The Journal, based in Phoenix, Arizona, includes content from Conservative Tribune, Liftable and The Wildcard. Founded in 2009 as Western Journalism, a project of the Western Center for Journalism, it is now owned by Liftable Media, funded by Floyd Brown, who also created the Political Action Committee, Citizen United.

Overall Score
The following are the overall bias and reliability scores for Western Journal according to our Ad Fontes Media ratings methodology.

Reliability: 23.66

Bias: 19.68

You guys will really post anything won't you?? Keep throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks.

Honestly you're better than that.

No Dems or "Libs" will stick that up anything as it's already covered in ass from the site that supports the GOP bull crap message.

Next thing you'll start bloviating about energy independence, where for 3 whole months during the pandemic we actually exported more oil and gas products that we consumed.

Funny how a pandemic will shut down consumption about 80% - but you just keep on doing you. All ass shoving aside Originally Posted by eyecu2

Shame on you eye.... the reports came from the treasury and Harvard, hardly conservative. Just because it was called out and published by a third party doesn't change the reports or its findings. That was a pathetic post by you

I guess you wouldn't be satisfied until msnbc. Or the hospital on the view reported it, lol

Yuri would love u
chizzy's Avatar
Hosts not hospital .... damn auto correct
I'd rather have a slightly weaker economy (and I do mean slightly) with an actual statesman who loves this country than someone who bows down to foreign dictators, embarrasses us daily on the world stage, suggests we scrap the Constitution when he doesn't get his way, and steals classified documents with no intention of ever returning them, and with every intention of bragging to normies about it.

But that's just me. Seems like a pretty shitty trade-off for some temporary tax cuts.
I'd rather have a slightly weaker economy (and I do mean slightly) with an actual statesman who loves this country than someone who bows down to foreign dictators, embarrasses us daily on the world stage, suggests we scrap the Constitution when he doesn't get his way, and steals classified documents with no intention of ever returning them, and with every intention of bragging to normies about it.

But that's just me. Seems like a pretty shitty trade-off for some temporary tax cuts. Originally Posted by tommy156
Your describing Biden and the Biden Crime Family.
What about his Puppet Master, Obama!

Oh by the way, my stock plan is down 13% since Biden ruined the economy.
chizzy's Avatar
I'd rather have a slightly weaker economy (and I do mean slightly) with an actual statesman who loves this country than someone who bows down to foreign dictators, embarrasses us daily on the world stage, suggests we scrap the Constitution when he doesn't get his way, and steals classified documents with no intention of ever returning them, and with every intention of bragging to normies about it.

But that's just me. Seems like a pretty shitty trade-off for some temporary tax cuts. Originally Posted by tommy156
If u would have taken the time to read the report, it states the reason the economy is still doing well is because those tax cuts are still in place. If not ur great usa loving retard would have had us and the economy destroyed.

Since the democrats after Clinton think they are so smart and raising taxes is the key (most retarded thinking ever)
It goes back to the same thing Mr freedman and his economic ideas are the wY to go and have been.

I know you will have to Google freedman to know what I'm talking about
Eisenhower taxed corporations at 75-85%, and it literally built the American middle class. Back when Republicans actually gave a fuck about anyone other than rich people.

Biden has made it abundantly clear he's only raising taxes for corporations and those who earn over $400k/year. But, do go on thinking mean ol' Joe is out to get you. Congratulations, you've fallen for the oldest rich guy trick in the world.
chizzy's Avatar
Eisenhower taxed corporations at 75-85%, and it literally built the American middle class. Back when Republicans actually gave a fuck about anyone other than rich people.

Biden has made it abundantly clear he's only raising taxes for corporations and those who earn over $400k/year. But, do go on thinking mean ol' Joe is out to get you. Congratulations, you've fallen for the oldest rich guy trick in the world. Originally Posted by tommy156
Raising taxes on the businesses is exactly the opposite of what needs done to drive the economy...

You really need to research freidman tommy

And u assume so much when u post... never said anything about worrying about my taxes. People who think, ya let's tax the rich more and tax businesses have their head up their ass because in the end it hits them from both ends
Not "businesses", corporations. There's a huge difference, and we use certain words for a reason.

Since we're researching things, look up Eisenhower's taxing of corporations in the 1950s, and how it literally created the American middle class. We're not talking businesses; we're talking corporations.

You're not going to turn this into "Biden raises taxes on small business". That's bullshit.

We're talking about McDonald's, Wal-Mart, AT&T, etc. Gigantic corporations who paid NOTHING under trump. That's why we're fucked right now. Ten of billions in tax revenue left on the table for 5 years.
chizzy's Avatar
jesus christ tommy, 90% of businesses are fucking corporations, mostly s corps

I have two. and i would say many on here are incorporated

you hit corps with tax increases, it hits all corps.

you have no clue what you are saying. read the fucking article tax revenues DID NOT GO DOWN with the tax cuts
lustylad's Avatar
Eisenhower taxed corporations at 75-85%... Originally Posted by tommy156
No, he didn't.

The top US corporate tax rate back in the 1950s was around 50%. You're confusing corporate versus individual tax rates. The top marginal individual income tax rate was a ridiculous 91% back then, although few people actually paid anywhere near that. (Why work if you're only allowed to keep 9 cents out of each extra dollar you earn lol?)

It was a Democrat (JFK) who understood how counter-productive and damaging to economic growth those sky-high rates were. JFK proposed, and Congress enacted posthumously, the Revenue Act of 1964. It slashed both corporate and individual tax rates, and ignited an economic boom that lasted for the next 5 years.