In the real world, Biden beat Trump by landslide victories in NYC winning around 80% of the vote there, and easily winning the state by over a million votes as well.
Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
NY City carries the state like Philly does in Pa. Votes bought by liberal policies, that’s what the open border is all about, future votes paid for by the working class not the liberal voters.
Obama knows he just needs a few more votes for a one party system to destroy the country.
With all the future illegals voting it’s a done deal.
Liberals watch for what you got. Once there is an official one party system with no fear of failure, Obama and the likes will cut off the free spigot. It’s simply not sustainable.
You will have been used, stepped upon, shoved aside, now of no use and laughed about behind closed doors.
Check out China, North Korea and Iran. This is your future!
Shame, selfish some feel this is good for everyone else.