Too Funny

thunter's Avatar
Dropped by another Amp that i haven't visited yet to scope out the location and see what the talent looked like before i gave it a try.
The funny part is first thing i noticed is the Superduty parked right up front!
I then knew this was a good location!!!
SpursFan's Avatar

Out of curiosity, why would a Superduty truck indicate a good spa?
Trucks man, trucks. Everyone knows these lots get full of trucks, mongers drive trucks
thunter's Avatar
Nice trucks nice spa
Guess it’s just me that notices
SecAmnd4U's Avatar
Oh no, you’re not alone, I see the same thing
SpursFan's Avatar
I once saw a yellow corvette Z6 I believe at that spa near the Evil Olive bar off Thousand Oaks. Talk about drawing attention LoL…
The logic here is too funny....

I would hate to roll in after some high roller just spoiled a girl. That's my sign to stay away. She'll have GPS for days! lmao!

I'm looking for the spa with a Fucking Ford Ranger!!!
pornstar's Avatar
Trucks and sports cars hahaha
Thats weird. Alot of times when I pull up to AMPs theres not many cars by it. So im thinking they are slow only to walk in and hear we are busy. Freaking mongers parking far away and walking up. I park right in front. I assume others do it in case spouse or significant other drives by. Or maybe a friend. Not real sure what the deal is on why people park away from the spa
Thats weird. Alot of times when I pull up to AMPs theres not many cars by it. So im thinking they are slow only to walk in and hear we are busy. Freaking mongers parking far away and walking up. I park right in front. I assume others do it in case spouse or significant other drives by. Or maybe a friend. Not real sure what the deal is on why people park away from the spa Originally Posted by Hot4uhotness
Yup, married .. park around the corner.. us single guys pull right up to the door
naughty4u1976's Avatar
Just off the top of my head...

Reasons why mongers park far
away from the AMP

1) There are cameras in the spa
pointed out the door into the
parking lot.

If you park directly in front
and anything goes wrong, the
AMP owner has your license
plate and can report you to
the police...

Which can show up to your

While your wife and kids
are home...

2) If a bust happens and
you escape out the back door
OR you bump into someone
you know in the parkinglot
you have plausible deniability
and are parked away from the
AMP (and/or police vehicles).

And you next door neighbors
wife (Busy-body Karen) doesn't
have blackmail material on you.

3) If you drive a unique vehicle
no one you may know will think
/know you are at the Asian
Massage Parlor.

-Also why it's a good reason
NEVER to AMP near your home.

4) If your psycho/distrustful
wife puts a GPS tracker in
your truck, you have plausible

"I stopped for lunch at Bush's
Chicken after buying auto parts
from Napa".

(When you were really getting
a 30 min quick job from Katie
at the Dub)

I'm sure there are many more
good reasons NOT to park in
front of an AMP.
MrTex1959's Avatar
Me, married and don't care. Always park up front. Was at QQ on Friday and there was a Big Black Truck parked up front..LOL..
The farther a guy parks from the Spa the more he has to lose in a divorce!! lmao.

"I got 99 problems but a bitch aint one"

I park right in front of the door with my fancy ass car! The girls love a nice car and treat you differently then if you drive a 93' Civic. It's just a fact and make no mistake, they check.

I also roll in clean, happy and with a big ass smile like I own the place and pussy is free!
thunter's Avatar
I always park my super D right up front
I can watch in the cameras and I am only going for the therapeutic massage anyway