Former provider meeting in Public.

Soooo. A former (at least I think former) provider runs a social group locally. I've been meaning to stop by and say SAAAAPRISEE!!! But I'd be discreet about it. I know her heart would skip a few beats when seeing someone in public that she formerly saw a few times. So far I've been busy with other things when they have meetups or working so haven't been able to join. But maybe one day I just might. What ya think about the situation?

I won't give her real name or hobby names she used so no need to PM. But if you know you know....
woody4eroticfun's Avatar
I ran into a former provider years ago, she was working checkout at a retail store. I had my son with me, so couldn't say much. She recognized me, I recognized her, we both handled it well. We all have private lives, I wouldn't want a provider surprising me somewhere public.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Surprises are out.
Discreet acknowledgements are in for purely coincidental things.
  • Roboz
  • 12-05-2023, 12:37 PM
Concur 100% UC. No many of us want a provider to drop into our RW situations on purpose
yourdesire's Avatar
I say she'll respect and don't surprise her
bikebryan's Avatar
I ran into two providers I had seen many times when I worked retail in the DC area. In both instances, we just subtly nodded at each other and move on - and in both cases, we had good laughs about it the next time we saw each other.
It's been a few years, she may not even remember. It's a group thing they do frequently. She has to know there is a possibility of someone she's seen before showing up. If I go sometime I won't play it as a surprise, just go hang out and see how things go. For all I know she might see a few guys still under the radar. It is mostly older people that I generally wouldn't hang out with, but I'm getting up there in age so not that far off.
I had one provider show up at my place of employment, I disappeared until she left. Was my mistake in previously taking her to the place of an evening when all employees had left for the day. Did have a wonderful time in my office.
I own a bar
A super smoking hot provider was a musician and playing at my bar one night������