" God revealed to him that he would be a Moses-like figure leading the GOP and the country through a “Red Sea moment.” "


Do you hear voices, Johnny? Do they tell you to do things? Bad things? They say they are for the greater good? That you're going to become a super hero or something? Johnny did you take your pills today? Because you're insane.

It's amazing how, when they think the cameras aren't rolling, they drop the act and act how they truly are.
Which in this case, is some air headed bozo who believes that a god is talking to him and he is enacting a divine will.

Or perhaps they need to put some carbon monoxide detectors in all the buildings in Washington. One or the other
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He’s a whacko. The idea of religious zealots making the laws is not at the foundation of what this country was built on.
eyecu2's Avatar
He’s a whacko. The idea of religious zealots making the laws is not at the foundation of what this country was built on.
What is alarming is that none of the GOP are alarmed by this. Hearing in a dream that he thinks someone is a Messiah is BEYOND absurd. The guy needs to be checked into an insane asylum.

I think these far right evangelicals literally get off on the whole sham of talking in tongues, laying on of hands, and then castigating anyone who doesn't believe that a man in the sky, will send you to hell if you dont do what he asks. Also, that same man says he' loves you, but that he needs you to send him money....cause he's good at a lot of things, but just really not so good with money.
Everyone who calls themself a member of the GOP needs to check in to the loony bin if they support or believe bullshit like this. Having religions bonzos in office, making decisions based off of religion, or making decisions based off of magical voice in your head is a true threat to our democracy and entirely against the beliefs and intents of the founding fathers.

Believing in imaginary voices in your head telling you things is something that you should grow out of before you reach adulthood.

Clearly, a large portion of the people in this country have regressed out of adulthood the past 7 years
More evidence that the GOP hate the First Amendment. What if it was Rashida Tlaib saying that Allah had spoken to her? I suspect they'd go back to claiming to be staunch supporters of separation of church and state.
More evidence that the GOP hate the First Amendment. What if it was Rashida Tlaib saying that Allah had spoken to her? I suspect they'd go back to claiming to be staunch supporters of separation of church and state. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh

Bold of you to be assuming that the GOP even knows what the first amendment means. Because with how some reacted when they got banned from twitter and news channels, sure sounds like they don't know what it means.

Public forum.Any public meeting, public place, you're protected from saying nonsense./
You aren't protected from saying nonsense in any place, or via any medium which is privately owned. Such as a house, radio show, TV channel, or website.

Quite literally, the only websites where the first amendment is enforceable are those ending in .gov!

But even if some politician is saying that they are being spoken sweet nothings in their ear by Allah, that's fine. Hopefully they are smart enough to not tell anyone that the have voices telling them what to do, because most people would think the person is insane and unfit for office
Personally, I hope these religious whackos keep pushing their extremist bullshit. It's going to spell massive losses for them in next year's elections.

Keep thinking that women don't want to control their own bodies! Keep thinking that the Bible is a legislative document! Good luck with all that, GOP whack jobs! Enjoy your pretend dictatorship while you can.