My Cereal Hustle. Hustling is an art form! Hahaha!

Seirus's Avatar

My Cereal Hustle: How I Get The Large 20 Oz Box of Raisin Bran for

Less than $1

Bonjour cher! In the swamp, we're always looking for a bargain. This

post doesn't have anything to do with cellphones (I own a cellphone store) but I thought it

would help some of you out mon ami! If you like Kellogg's Raisin Bran

(works on several others, too), read on. First of all, go to: . You'll see that Raisin Bran is 4 large boxes

for $9 and some change. On the right hand side, if you click on the

subscription, it will drop it down to less than $8/ for 4.

Now, when you've accumulated 10 UPC codes from them, print out the

following form: .

Mail it in to Kelloggs and you'll get a $10 mastercard refund. That

drops the price down per box to less than $1. Oh yeah! The shipping on

Amazon is FREE also so that doesn't get tacked on. Enjoy cher! THE

SWAMP WILL PROVIDE! :-D By the way, you might have 10 boxes of cereal

already. Look around and see if you do. Au revoir!

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, dude, maybe you don't know it, but this is a hooker board.

We are looking for quality nooky at a reasonable price, not grocery shopping with coupons!

You should go put your cereal notice up on the Star of Hope board, not Eccie!

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 09-21-2011, 12:07 PM
This forum is the National Sandbox and his topic is quite valid here.

If it does not appeal to you I suggest you simply move on to another thread.
pyramider's Avatar
Do any of the ladies have UPC labels that we could submit in place of Raisin Brand?