POTUS Assassination - legal?



  • Trump's lawyer said a president couldn't be prosecuted over an assassination if Congress were OK with it.

Anyone who believes POTUS is above the law, or otherwise outside of the law, is not an American, but a traitor. The founding fathers wrote the constitution so that all three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial keep each other in check. A POTUS, former, current, or potential who claims that they are above the law, is not fit for office.

You want an American King, this is how you get a King. You know what happened the last time we had a King? Just ask old King George. Both of the Washington variety and English variety. Difference is one wanted to fuck us all over with taxes like a king, while the other explicitly refused title of king.
eyecu2's Avatar
The same group of ppl who supported trump during impeachment and as was presented to the senate; if you think he's done this insurrection, then you should wait till he's out of office and charge him as a civilian.

Jan 9th, 2024- The president has absolute immunity from any criminal charges during the time he's POTUS, and is free from any crimes that may or may not have occured while he was POTUS. (get out of jail anytime card).

Does anyone really think that this has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving in court?? I'd say NOPE.

And if for some obscene reason that the court would rule in favor of that same claim- ,Joe should just give a call to the same Sealteam and that would be the end of the ballot question all together. Good for the goose and gander-...but Joe isn't like that. We know Donald will never leave if he gets back into office. EVER.
Cody69's Avatar


  • Trump's lawyer said a president couldn't be prosecuted over an assassination if Congress were OK with it.

Anyone who believes POTUS is above the law, or otherwise outside of the law, is not an American, but a traitor. The founding fathers wrote the constitution so that all three branches of government, the executive, legislative, and judicial keep each other in check. A POTUS, former, current, or potential who claims that they are above the law, is not fit for office.

You want an American King, this is how you get a King. You know what happened the last time we had a King? Just ask old King George. Both of the Washington variety and English variety. Difference is one wanted to fuck us all over with taxes like a king, while the other explicitly refused title of king. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
onawbtngr546 Trump didn't mean that, he meant something totally different and what he meant was all good. Get one of our far righty's to translate it for you. Look at how my trend was translated yesterday.
HDGristle's Avatar
So Trump teams argument is that Biden can have Trump and the whole Trump Team eliminated and it's all bueno.

onawbtngr546 Trump didn't mean that, he meant something totally different and what he meant was all good. Get one of our far righty's to translate it for you. Look at how my trend was translated yesterday.
LOL Originally Posted by Cody69
Oh, so basically, what is in my signature, right?
The same group of ppl who supported trump during impeachment and as was presented to the senate; if you think he's done this insurrection, then you should wait till he's out of office and charge him as a civilian.

Jan 9th, 2024- The president has absolute immunity from any criminal charges during the time he's POTUS, and is free from any crimes that may or may not have occured while he was POTUS. (get out of jail anytime card).

Does anyone really think that this has a snowball's chance in hell of surviving in court?? I'd say NOPE Originally Posted by eyecu2
If it does, we're all fucked. And if any court would let it survive, it would be trump's sham, illegitimate SCOTUS. We will be well on our way to living in a dictatorship if this piece of shit, flim flam SCOTUS allows it.
So, if I understand this correctly, if the courts agree with trump, then Biden can take him out?
lustylad's Avatar
So Trump teams argument is that Biden can have Trump and the whole Trump Team eliminated and it's all bueno.

Interesting Originally Posted by HDGristle
So, if I understand this correctly, if the courts agree with trump, then Biden can take him out? Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
Go ahead. It will rid us of both of them... and open up the election to candidates more to everyone's liking.
HDGristle's Avatar
Not if the argument is sound. The reductio ad absurdum shows a clear path to prevent a president from ever being held accountable and to "officially act" any and everyone they need to out of existence until their term is up.

It makes Nixon look like a weak pinko commie by comparison and Dick Cheney's views of the limitations of presidential power look reasonable by comparison.

Not an argument you want to win with if your opponent is in power.
lustylad's Avatar
Not if the argument is sound. The reductio ad absurdum shows a clear path to prevent a president from ever being held accountable and to "officially act" any and everyone they need to out of existence until their term is up. Originally Posted by HDGristle

I guess you never heard of checks & balances. Or do you think Congress, which nowadays is ready to impeach a POTUS over a phone call, wouldn't immediately impeach & convict a guy who assassinated a political opponent?

Of course, Biden could always defend himself during his Senate trial by arguing he was merely acting to "save democracy". That's his Orwellian excuse lately for all his abuses of power.
HDGristle's Avatar
They can't impeach him if he "officialy acts" to unalive them first.

His orders are faster than their procedures after all.

That's the reductio ad absurdum.

You of all people should be having some fun with this, my man.
lustylad's Avatar
Have you explained all that to Biden? Is he in touch with Seal Team 6?
HDGristle's Avatar
I have. Every time he's "in touch" with my mom and sniffing my brother.
I guess you never heard of checks & balances. Or do you think Congress, which nowadays is ready to impeach a POTUS over a phone call, wouldn't immediately impeach & convict a guy who assassinated a political opponent?

Of course, Biden could always defend himself during his Senate trial by arguing he was merely acting to "save democracy". That's his Orwellian excuse lately for all his abuses of power. Originally Posted by lustylad
I could be totally wrong, but I think I remember statement where trump said he could shoot someone on a street, and it would be legal.
I could be totally wrong, but I think I remember statement where trump said he could shoot someone on a street, and it would be legal. Originally Posted by 1#Ratt
I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters.

I can't see how anyone with any sense of righteousness could support someone who thinks this way. This is not how a leader leads. It's how a dictator commands. Trump is a dictator. If Trump is elected, this country is fucked.