I'll start off by saying I've seen Tanzy before albeit several years ago and using a different number. Well, over the last month and a half or so I've reached out to her 3 times. The first time she asked a few very general verification questions (like age race and occupation) and ended up not responding... Ok, no worries. Second time I got the "oh so you're still a stranger" line (like I said I've seen her every bit of 8 or 9 years ago) and after a few more texts it was "I'm really busy today" - even tho she posted all damn day and night after. Ok, sure. So today I hit her up because I see her posting... Told her it's "still a stranger again, but I'd like not to be

" to which she replied "provider references?". Now, I don't usually jump through those hoops but I'll give her a few of em - including Leslie, wren (review coming) and Katee. Three reviewed ladies local to the area here on eccie which I made notice of my tenure here... She then asks for p411 of which I've never dropped coin on... So she's "never heard" of these ladies and since I'm not on p411 she just says oh well. I'm like, they post on the same site you post on, and gave her the "oh well" right back to her. Then tell her I won't bug her anymore... So now I'm "rude" and a "jackass". Bitches be crazy. Rant over lol. Happy hobbying.