Even more Senile Biden Crime Family Corruption

berryberry's Avatar
Hunter Biden KNEW the identity of at least 70% of his art purchasers, the majority being big-money Democrat donors.

There was NO ethics plan put in place by the White House, according to his own art gallerist.

His art gallerist also said HUNTER’S NAME was a factor in setting the price for this art.

onawbtngr546's Avatar
It's a loophole, but it is legal. Is it wrong? Yea, but it's legal. Just like with lobbying - just bribery with extra steps to make it legal.
eyecu2's Avatar
It's illegal to gain a profit from being in public office- and a violation of the code of ethics; Hunter isn't in office.

But Trump was and benefited from all those stays at his hotels by both lobbyists, secret service and anyone who was genuflecting towards kissing the ring and pledging fealty. And that is / was and should be illegal.
berryberry's Avatar
It is influence peddling, plain and simple.

No one was buying his artwork because it was worth anything
They were paying for his artwork to have access to Senile Biden in the Whitehouse

And Senile Biden lied to the American public about it

Influence peddling is an impeachable crime
winn dixie's Avatar
Big time double standards being applied here. Nothing major will happen. 20 years from now trumpfs and bidens accusations will be nothing more than that. It's politics. Political sensationalism.
berryberry's Avatar
So telling how the leftists continually ignore Senile Biden's corruption
So telling how the leftists continually ignore Senile Biden's corruption Originally Posted by berryberry
... Too Right, mate.

And what's ALSO being ignored: ... President Biden's LIES
on this - and Hunter's.

So it's okay somehow that they LIE from their mouth on this?

Okay for Hunter to "sell" artwork - as he and Joe
won't know who the buyers are...

Surely wouldn't want the American people to think
that a buyer just might land a plum position in
Joe's cabinet. ...

#### Salty