GTA 5 SC and Hooker Report

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Recent injury has me sidelined for a bit so I fired back up some gaming recently. Needed my SC fix so I took my character inGrand Theft Auto to the” Vanilla Unicorn” SC in LA. Interesting and Funny in the game lap dances cost $40. The game was released back in 2013. I wonder if they that expensive in LA for real and that’s the norm? Relevant as our city tried to increase to 25 recently. Some are at 30. You get girls to “like” you by touching them during the lap dance and flirting with them. You have to touch them when manager is away and not when he comes over and watches or else you get kicked out. But interestingly like in real life, I’ve gone enough I can now get away with touching the girls when he watching, they don’t kick me out. Lol. When they like you enough some invite you go home with them. You pick them up in your car behind strip club and drive them to their house. It’s relatively innocent as you both go inside and your hear moans and the dude cumming. The girls why you get lap dances say things like I bet you are hard now and your making me wet.
Back to pricing there are hookers scattered throughout the open world maps. You check online and dudes have made maps where are the prostitures are stationed. Lol. I’ve haven’t counted but prob close to 50. At night in a nice car only, you pull up and honk your horn, they get in. She asks you find somewhere secluded. You drive down an alley or behind some building and then she asks you what you want. Options are $50, $70 and $100. When you select 50; she starts sucking your dick. You have 3 different camera angles to toggle between all of which show her head bobbing up and down with your hand on the back of her head. The BJ is the most grafficlanguage actually as she says your dick is so big, I like licking your balls and even cum in my mouth. The 70 dollar service and 100 dollar service are both sex. In both instances she mounts you in driver seat and starts bouncimg up and down. She says things like I love your big dick, I want you to cum and even I’m a dirty little slut. Looking online they explain what the difference is between 70 and 100 and I should have known it’s uncovered vs covered. Lol. It’s not stated in game at all but pretty clear that’s what it is given that she does the same exact same on both.
Some of you will find this interesting and others will bitch it’s not hobby related. I don’t care. It’s interesting and first time doing it surprising that you getting this in a video game. The First GTA had hookers as well but when you parked all you saw was car bouncing up and down and some slight noises. It’s progresses to what is is today in the 5th installment. And yes in the strip club when you get a lap dance there is bare boobs shown. You can get two girls at one time in there and they feel each other during dance. Mind you this is basically 10 years old tech at this point but still pretty good, long way from Atari.
GTA 6 after a long hiatus is set to debut in late 2024. They keep pushing release date back so wouldn’t surprise me if it’s 2025 but we getting close. With new graphics of PS5 I wonder how realistic the 6th installment will be.
The original GTA was ground breaking with first open world concept in a game. One of the most successful game franchises ever and prob only topped in sales by the Madden series. Just a guess. So crazy they go 11 years in between GTA 5 and 6. 11 years past release the online GTA players are still playing this game, it’s very popular as they continuely provide updates (similar to what Fortnite does).
So if your ever find yourself laid up and need your monger fix, fire up some GTA and get you some lap dances, cruise for hookers and get blow jobs and bang them in street alleys. Better than nothing. Ha.
  • rcusa
  • 01-25-2024, 07:36 AM
Did that game get the "AO" rating, or did they let it go with "M"?
Or, was that some hacker's modification that opened up the graphic content?
(I don't have any of the GTA games, but I know they're popular.)
Dirkdiggler41's Avatar
It’s a M rating. No AO that I am aware of. No hack, that’s out of the box.