being a BLM rioter is worth 10 million dollars in Seattle

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
disgusting a city i used to live in and once considered a prime retirement location would do this

that's 200k per blm punk .. disgusting!

Seattle will pay $10 million to protesters who said police used excessive force during 2020 protests

Updated 5:38 PM CST, January 25, 2024

SEATTLE (AP) — Seattle has agreed to pay $10 million to 50 demonstrators who sued over the police department’s heavy-handed response to racial justice protests in 2020, in a settlement announced by attorneys from both sides Wednesday.

The protesters were among tens of thousands who rallied downtown and in the Capitol Hill neighborhood for weeks following the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police — a period that saw Seattle’s police department abandon its East Precinct building as well as the establishment of the “Capitol Hill Occupied Protest,” a six-block zone taken over by protesters.

The police department — led by then-Chief Carmen Best — used aggressive techniques to disperse the crowds, including flash-bang grenades, foam-tipped projectiles and blast balls that explode and emit pepper gas.

At some points during protests, people in the crowds did cause damage, including burning police cars and trying to set a fire at the East Precint. But a federal judge ordered the department to stop using chemical and other weapons indiscriminately against against peaceful demonstrators.
lustylad's Avatar
Who says "crime doesn't pay"?

In Seattle it pays extremely well!

Set a police car on fire and collect $200k!!
onawbtngr546's Avatar
A federal judge ordered someone to stop using chemical and other weapons indiscriminately against against peaceful demonstrators.
Those demonstrators got hurt, so the state lost the lawsuit for hurting people, so the violent mobsters are being held accountable.

I don't see what's wrong. If people above you tell you to stop using tear gas, and you continue to use tear gas, then you are at fault.

Can't have it both ways. Or are people upset that police are being held accountable for violence against BLM protestors? That's a bit racist if you ask me!
lustylad's Avatar
Did you really say "peaceful demonstrators"?? Do you mean THESE "peaceful demonstrators"??

lustylad's Avatar
Can't have it both ways. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Sure you can!

Seattle is living proof of it - you can torch your own city and be REWARDED for doing it!!

Ain't this a GREAT country?
lustylad's Avatar
Too bad the Seattle police didn't follow the advice onawb provided below. It could have saved taxpayers a lot of money... give 'em bullets instead of payouts!

I am 100% in favor of police officers unloading their clip into civilians if the officer feels that their lives are under genuine threat. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
onawbtngr546's Avatar
I don't really think you can have a civilized conversation between a bunch of police who get their rocks off by hurting POC, and a bunch of black people who are upset about what police are doing to POC.

Fact of the matter is, a federal judge told the police to stop using excessive force and tear gas.
The police didn't listen. So the judges ruled against the party that disobeyed orders.

In the beginning, were both parties in the wrong? Yes.
During the confrontations, were both parties in the wrong? Yes

But of the two parties, which is the more equipped and actually has an intelligence and coordination network, with radios and dispatch? The police.
The police were told to stand down. They didn't stand down. They ended up hurting people. So the police have to pay the price. But because we have police unions to protect the corrupt police, it is the city and thus the tax payers that have to foot the bill for the police not listening to orders.
berryberry's Avatar
against peaceful demonstrators. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

Peaceful - please. The only thing these BLM criminals should get is a stint in jail. Not a payoff from some leftist city
lustylad's Avatar
Here's onawb on Ashli Babbitt being shot and killed by the Capitol police:

I am 100% in favor of police officers unloading their clip into civilians... Originally Posted by onawbtngr546

And here's onawb on the violent Seattle BLM riots:

The police... didn't stand down. They ended up hurting people. So the police have to pay the price. Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Can you say H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E?
chizzy's Avatar
Here's onawb on Ashli Babbitt being shot and killed by the Capitol police:

And here's onawb on the violent Seattle BLM riots:

Can you say H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-E? Originally Posted by lustylad

Which is why I do my best not to respond anymore to him or the likes of rmg and such.... no logic just hatred of those they don't agree with.... ain't worth the effort.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
If other 'protests' were peaceful, according to MAGA, then surely the BLM riots were peaceful too! I'm just using MAGA logic. Doesn't make much sense, does it?
lustylad's Avatar
Seattle and 1/6 were both riots. By definition, a riot can't be peaceful. If it was peaceful, it wouldn't be called a riot. Got that?

The only thing that "doesn't make sense" is your knee-jerk criticism of the police in Seattle, contrasted with your knee-jerk support of the police on 1/6.

And it's entirely based on who was doing the rioting.

Can you say "double standard"?
berryberry's Avatar
Which is why I do my best not to respond anymore to him or the likes of rmg and such.... no logic just hatred of those they don't agree with.... ain't worth the effort. Originally Posted by chizzy
I hear you Chizzy

See the first line in my signature

I have also mainly avoided posting in some of the silly baiting threads the left starts. Not worth the time or effort.

This thread is telling in pointing out the hypocrisy of the left.
Really, if you were a taxpayer in the cities watching the destruction from the riots and then seeing the city pay out YOUR tax money to these BLM criminals, what would you think?