GOP Considering Leaving the Border open For Trump to win Election On.

Cody69's Avatar
GOP Considering to Leave the Border Open So Trump Can Run On Immigration.

With the stock market booming after three years of working to get the economy back on track the GOP needs something for Trump to lie about of what he is going to do to make America Great Again. That way if he win's the election they will group together and pass a bill. The democrats are basically honest people (or some call them stupid of not holding out)and just want to pass the right bill for our country. Rarely do they hold out for something good.

Trump would close the country down. He wants them now not to pass the budget. He wants them not to do anything about the border. He would do anything to be President again, that is why he took all of the secret documents home to hide from the country. He didn't care if we were taken over because of it.

When you have someone like Trump that lies at least every other word, you need some kind of base. He has it, he has it here, you guys will lie, tell fake stories, you guys will do anything. Fake links from far right only news groups. Think about it.

Trump is now saying that he was the hero for curing COVID19 and he needs to rewarded for it. Mean while over 200,000 people died on his watch.

Trump has done this from the day he went down the escalator told one lie after the other. Mexico/boarder, Hilary/Email, Biden/Senile, Biden/China, Obama/citizen, Nikki/citizen, I could go on for days of all of his lies.

I have to know, how can you MEGA's love him so much from not once in a while, everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and everything he does is for him not America?

This week, he give the order to the MEGA's do not do anything to pass a bill for the border. If you do I will destroy you when it comes time for your election. Good thing Romney could care less and is exposing him. He knows first hand how he lies, he lied about him. He tried to destroy him.

I love Liz Cheney, she has BALLS just like Nancy Pelosi. Both of these women did more things for this country than Trump would ever do. Both Nancy and Liz has contributed more to making America great than Trump ever did.

When Trump was in office all I can remember was Riots, Bare Shelves at the store, no one working or had to work from home creating low gas prices(that part was good thing to bad why the prices dropped because of unemployed) chaos, embarrassing things he did and said in front of other countries, kissing Putin ass on national TV, kissing Kim Jong Un ass in front of the world, if he give McDonalds burgers to kids, it was the greatest thing that could ever be done.

So again, why do you guys think he should be honored and be president again? He is no different than Charles "Charlie" Milles Manson and he spent most of his life in jail. You guys picket trying to get Trump from being convicted.

Borders should have laws from Congress and the Senate, not executive orders. LAWS, once and for all.
Cody69's Avatar
Speaker Johnson: Senate border deal ‘dead on arrival’ in House

Don't ever say a word of Biden not making a deal when your POS party is doing everything humanly possible to destroy this country.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
GOP: It's not our problem until we make it your problem
Cody69's Avatar
You have to blame the Democrats for giving Trump the election. They have done everything in there power by not executing an executive order to control the boarder. No they shouldn't have to but when you have stupid people not watching a neutral news source and just watching a MAGA one sided source you have too.

In there blind eyes they don't realize Congress and the Senate make the laws. A President shouldn't have to and especially after years of Congress and the Senate not doing anything about it. If they would take the babies off of the immigrants they would love that, right out of a Trump play book.

Zero doubt in my mind who is going to win. Regular people are going to get it up the ass again. Some kind of disease or plague. Break the unions, take away health care for the needy, Riots, killings just like in Israel a total wipe out of Gaza. Maybe legalize hand grenade this time around. 2nd amendment right.
... You mates surely make me laugh...

... The border is OPEN NOW. ... Biden could simply close it
if he wanted to. ... He doesn't need a "congress deal"
or Trump to close it.

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
... You mate surely make me laugh...

... The border is OPEN NOW. ... Biden could simply close it
if he wanted to. ... He doesn't need a "congress deal"
or Trump to close it.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Every executive order Obama made you guys bitched and bitched and bitched. Make it a law, just like the GOP made abortion a crime. The supreme court got rid of Roe versus Way. That was a law that couldn't be changed unless the supreme court changed it.

Make a law that way you don't have to worry who is president and there personal views.
Every executive order Obama made you guys bitched and bitched and bitched. Make it a law, just like the GOP made abortion a crime. The supreme court got rid of Roe versus Way. That was a law that couldn't be changed unless the supreme court changed it.

Make a law that way you don't have to worry who is president and there personal views. Originally Posted by Cody69
... Not to be a killjoy there, mate.

But WHAT does any of that have to do with Biden simply
closing the border??

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
He should not have to, pass a law. Haven't you watched tv and see what he is telling his MEGA's? This is a game and you GOPers act like you care. You care of taxes, Right. 1.9T dollars worth of caring right.