Trump keeps on winning.

Cody69's Avatar
Trump wins a lot, he won New Hampshire primary, he won today by only paying $83,300,000. It should have been twice that much. He lucked out.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL - you really think he is going to pay that amount to this dumb lying bitch?

There is ZERO chance Donald Trump touched E. Jean Carroll and she never had a reputation to damage.

Wouldn't give her a dime if I was him. I would (besides appealing to a rational court) also counter sue her for defamation for lying about being raped.
Cody69's Avatar
LOL - you really think he is going to pay that amount to this dumb lying bitch?

There is ZERO chance Donald Trump touched E. Jean Carroll and she never had a reputation to damage.

Wouldn't give her a dime if I was him. I would (besides appealing to a rational court) also counter sue her for defamation for lying about being raped. Originally Posted by berryberry
They pick on him all the time. I can't list all of what he is charged with. I would be off topic. But you know of what he has been charged with.

Now not to be personal, would you feel the same if E. Jean Carol Carroll name was a relation of yours. And they had pictures of Trump with her like they actually did with him and E Carroll?

Would you still call a close relative a wife or someone's mother that if she was rapped by Trump? What did you call her a dumb bitch. Trump went on Howard Stern and bragged of purposely going in the dressing room of the beauty pageant teenagers that he owned and he bragged how he seen them naked. Bragged how he just walked in on those Young girls. No he is innocent. Who would have seen that coming.

He bragged of how he grabs women by the pussy and says once you do that what are they going to do, they love it. No he is innocent. Who would have seen that coming.

They have pictures of him with Jeffrey Epstein. How come you never mention that, you mention Clinton. A lot of pictures of Trump and Epstein. He fucked Stormy Daniels and paid her off to shut up. What do you want Video's of him actually in the act? No he is innocent. Who would have seen that coming.

You would say they were photoshopped. He is no GOOD. He is by far one of the worst leaders in the world. He is no different than Putin, Hitler, I could go on for days. But you are a smart man you know that already. No he is innocent. Who would have seen that coming.

You do everything you can to protect him. You know he did cause you read a MEGA article. You didn't listen to the trial, you wasn't in the court room, but you know. You are smarter than the jurors, the judge, you are a genious. You know everything, just ask you.

I feel bad that they leave a maniac lose. He is nuts.

He is no GOOD.
berryberry's Avatar
Just to recap a few things

— NY changed their laws specifically to allow Jean Carroll to bogusly sue Trump

— She alleged a rape in a public place 30 years ago but provided no evidence

— Her story was remarkably similar to a plot line of a show she binge watched

— The dress she claimed to be wearing hadn’t even been designed at that point

— She’s sex obsessed and continues to talk about how “sexy” rape is

— Her case was thought up by Trump hater George Conway

— Her case was funded by Democrat Jeff Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman

— Her “reputation expert” admitted to having no experience in reputation repair during cross examination. She was also found to be a Democrat donor

That is just a few items
berryberry's Avatar
Wait - there is more. This crazy bitch

-named her dog “Tits” & “Vagina”

-told Anderson Cooper that rape is “sexy”

-lives in a cabin in the woods called the “Mouse House”

-paints trees and rocks blue

-lined up her entire allegation with the plot of an SVU episode

-called sluts “sexual geniuses”

-tweeted about learning sex tips from her dog

Trump didn’t defame E. Jean Carroll, he just told the truth— she’s batshit crazy.
Cody69's Avatar
— Her case was funded by Democrat Jeff Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman

I don't know, looks like best buds here.
Cody69's Avatar
You could list bullshit for hours, multiple jurors found him guilty. That is all that counts. To bad you wasn't on the jury. You could have pointed all of those facts out. LOL

$83,300,000 and climbing. He will not be able to keep him mouth shut.
Cody69's Avatar
You know Trump has a history of ripping people off and not paying them. Maybe he beat Jeff Epstein out of money what he is use to and Jeff got even with him. Who knows? I am sure Donny had frequent flyer miles to Epstein's place for sure.

But for right now he owes $83,300,000 dollars.
Cody69's Avatar
Trumps creepy interview with Howard Stein bragging of walking in on the teenagers changing clothes. I don't know if that is before or after he raped E. Jean Carroll
rmg_35's Avatar
He can't keep his filthy lying ass sewer shut and he's going to pay the price. Fuck the lying-ass insurrectionist treasonist traitor & sexual abuser tRump and maga in general.

Maga loves their sexual abuser because like all things maga, the insurrectionist treasonist traitor & sexual abuser tRump justifies maga nitwits deplorable racist, homopobic, xenophobic, and sexist views and enbrazens them to spew that bullshit out.

Trump wins a lot, he won New Hampshire primary, he won today by only paying $83,300,000. It should have been twice that much. He lucked out. Originally Posted by Cody69
... See? ... Maybe Trump CAN Win them all! ...

... And you left out WINNING in the polls! ...

#### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
Trump already said, Haley wasn't born here. sHe can't run. Democrats want Trump. We can't beat Haley. Trump will get beat for the third time. No more electoral votes. That is another cheating scheme.
Trump already said, Haley wasn't born here. sHe can't run. Originally Posted by Cody69
... When did Trump say that?

### Salty
Cody69's Avatar
... When did Trump say that?

### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Salty don't you watch the news at all. I know all of you MEGA's will say or do anything to protect Trump. But you guys are fighting for someone who has committed so many crimes his entire life and you guys are defending someone who is no dam good.
onawbtngr546's Avatar
Just to recap a few things

— NY changed their laws specifically to allow Jean Carroll to bogusly sue Trump

— She alleged a rape in a public place 30 years ago but provided no evidence

— Her story was remarkably similar to a plot line of a show she binge watched

— The dress she claimed to be wearing hadn’t even been designed at that point

— She’s sex obsessed and continues to talk about how “sexy” rape is

— Her case was thought up by Trump hater George Conway

— Her case was funded by Democrat Jeff Epstein buddy Reid Hoffman

— Her “reputation expert” admitted to having no experience in reputation repair during cross examination. She was also found to be a Democrat donor

That is just a few items Originally Posted by berryberry
Wait - there is more. This crazy bitch

-named her dog “Tits” & “Vagina”

-told Anderson Cooper that rape is “sexy”

-lives in a cabin in the woods called the “Mouse House”

-paints trees and rocks blue

-lined up her entire allegation with the plot of an SVU episode

-called sluts “sexual geniuses”

-tweeted about learning sex tips from her dog

Trump didn’t defame E. Jean Carroll, he just told the truth— she’s batshit crazy. Originally Posted by berryberry

It sounds like if anything, you aren't a neutral party and couldn't ever sit on the jury for something like this. You are biased already.

If someone did something illegal, and someone else sued them for damages, and a court of peers found the first person guilty, they need to pay up.
It doesn't matter if the first person is Trump, or Jesus H Christ. Do you not respect the laws of our nation? This is the result of the laws. All without scamming, lying, or deception.

The court has ruled, and they have ruled in favor of the prosecution. Meaning Trumpster is guilty! Who knew!

You can feel bad, sure. But throwing slurs, insults, and slander about the winning party isn't constructive.

The laws say 'if you do X, you are guilty'.
Trump did X to Carroll.

Carroll sued.

The judge and jury ruled that 'yes, Trump did X, and X is illegal' Thus, Trump is guilty.

You can be upset, but at the end of the day it is meaningless. What is the point of following the laws of our nation if, when those laws are broken, you are surprised that people don't get a get out of jail free card?
Unless you do, and you think that some people are above the law. It shouldn't matter if you are a past, current, or future POTUS. No man should be above the law in this nation. None the less be given power while they think they are above the law.

I'm glad that some people finally had the balls to rule against Trump. It's a shame he won't end up paying, either due to scummy tactics, or by being a broke old boomer