Encounter: Layla is in town

User ID: Thereallaylalane
Date: 1/26/24
Name: Layla Lane
Phone: 785-728-1870
Email Address: -
URL / Website: https://tryst.link/escort/thereallaylalayne
City: Wichita
State: Kansas
Address: Downtownish
Activities: Dfk, bbbjx2, Russian, rcg, k9, Mish, fiv, squirt, daty
Hair Length and Color: Black short and shaved on one side.
Age: 30s
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Mixed
Physical Description: Layla is a milf on the short side with a bubbly personality and sexy look. She told me again that she has gained weight but I feel like she is a little smaller than last I saw her. Short sexy hair to pull and fuck me eyes that keep contact.
Recommendation: Yes
Damn, I've always wanted to meet her and am out of town.
She's back in Topeka now
baseballlover's Avatar
Livin the dream. Nice review as always
  • ks2ny
  • 01-29-2024, 08:56 AM
Fantastic, she texted me but I'm out of town on trip.
Welp, don't know about you but I've never experienced anything close to that with her. Maybe some tardiness or running late but never anything more than that.
Yeah happened before Thanksgiving I even went and got tested and was positive
Wait what?!
Hey don't be upset at me for telling the truth my name is Anthony if she didn't burn me I wouldn't be making a psa a
Sound like a crazy ex who's stalking her
That was my thoughts. Someone is butt hurt
I guess I can prove it all too we had to take him back to his grandma's house and then I went back to her bnb and fucked her
Dr-epg's Avatar
#16 - "Cyber Stalking" is a term that refers to the act of following another member around online. This may include persistent PMing of the other party, repeated ISOs about the other party, or excessive bumping of reviews or posting in threads about the other individual, whether it be positive or negative information posted. In any of these cases, whether staff deems that the behavior has crossed the line into cyber-stalking, or the "stalked" party complains to staff about the alleged behavior, staff will take the necessary steps to make it stop. Please avoid becoming involved in this type of conduct.