I guess the next thing you guys are going to say Trump use to hang out with Epstein? He never met the man.
Like some one on this site posted, by Trump not being friends with Epstein that is why Epstein funded E Jean Carroll's court case again Trump. He even paid the 12 jurors off in the rape case and left in escrow money to pay the 12 juror's off in the Defame case that Trump never said a bad word about her.
He even paid the Judge (all in escrow before he died) in this last case off so they wouldn't be allowed to bring in evidence from the rape trail. Even though they are never ever allowed to bring in something that doesn't pertain to the case in hand.
The thing about this is, all you guys already know this. You are searching for some how to make Trump like an honorable person. Good luck with that.
Trump give the kiss of death to the boarder policy they are trying to work together now.
Sort of like the same thing he did to Ukraine holding funds wanting them to lie about Biden that he actually got impeached for.
There is a pattern with Trump. Black mail someone when you don't get your own way.
Being a Sex maniac wanting to see young girls get naked at his beauty pageants walking in on them per him on Howard Stern show and bragging about it, grabbing them by there pussy on ET, numerous interviews of him wanting to fuck some women and I could go on and on. He got caught. He has to pay the piper. He got away with it for years.
How can you call E Jean Carroll a whore and a Liar when you have Trump on a daily basis wanting to fuck all the women and he actually has told everyone that. He is no saint, He is SCUM.