Black voters in SC speak - we are broke with Biden, we weren't with Trump

berryberry's Avatar
MSNBC: "There are some people in your orbit either voting for Donald Trump or considering it?"

Voter: "For sure. A lot of my friends are... they're like well, we're broke with Biden, we weren't with Trump... with Trump, we had money."

Lol. Despite inflation, which literally had nothing to do with Biden, I've never had more money in my life that I do today, in February 2024.

Anecdotal evidence can go both ways. I get that it's popular to blame all one's problems on politicians, but that just a weakness some folks have. Those of us who work hard for what we earn are doing just fine; some of us are doing better than ever.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
And sometimes one person’s situation doesn’t reflect society as a whole, like your post. The typical person is doing much worse under Biden, regardless of salary. What they used to spend a dollar on now costs $1.20. Wages are nowhere near keeping up and the blame lies exclusively at the door of democrat (and some republican) politicians.
Lol. Despite inflation, which literally had nothing to do with Biden, I've never had more money in my life that I do today, in February 2024.

Anecdotal evidence can go both ways. I get that it's popular to blame all one's problems on politicians, but that just a weakness some folks have. Those of us who work hard for what we earn are doing just fine; some of us are doing better than ever. Originally Posted by tommy156
... Perhaps I'm not understanding your "Lol" there.

The first post mentions Black Voters in South Carolina
and somebody's view on how people will vote.

And in your responce, are YOU saying that the SC voters
have a weakness since they're blaming Biden? ...
As well as implying that they do not work hard??

... YOU may be doing well with things, mate.
But a great number of people ARE NOT.
And that might be why black voters in SC want Trump back.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar

Those of us who work hard for what we earn are doing just fine; some of us are doing better than ever. Originally Posted by tommy156
Are you laughing at and dismissing these black voters in a South Carolina barbershop?

Are you saying they do not work hard?

The majority of the people in this country are doing much worse under Senile Biden with his terrible economic policies, out of control inflation, etc. Why are you dismissing what the patrons in this barbershop are experiencing?
And sometimes one person’s situation doesn’t reflect society as a whole Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Do you understand what "anecdotal evidence" means? Because that's exactly what I addressed, and the fact that it does indeed go both ways.

For every disgruntled South Carolina voter who thinks that mean ol' Joe Biden intentionally ruined their life, there's someone like me, who's doing better than ever.

Remember when trump, and his retarded voters, used to care a lot about the stock market? But now, since it continues to hit new record highs consistently under Biden, trump voters don't seem to care about it anymore - which is predictably, and objectively, hilarious.

Anyway, just for the record, the stock market has never been better than it is right now, in February 2024. That means a lot of people are doing much better under Biden than they were under trump.

My point is this entire thread is based on "one person's situation" and how it "doesn't reflect society as a whole". So your comment should have actually been directed at the OP.
berryberry's Avatar
the stock market has never been better than it is right now, in February 2024. Originally Posted by tommy156
And please tell us how much the average American has in savings and investments. How much do those working two jobs have stashed away? And then you can tell us why your statement makes no sense

The majority of people are suffering financially under Senile Biden - that is a fact that has been proven time and time again by data, polls, interviews.

My point is this entire thread is based on "one person's situation" and how it "doesn't reflect society as a whole". Originally Posted by tommy156
No, it was based on the collective thinking of a black barbershop. Why do you continue to dismiss these black voters?

Why did you imply that they do not work hard?
And please tell us how much the average American has in savings and investments. How much do those working two jobs have stashed away? And then you can tell us why your statement makes no sense Originally Posted by berryberry
LOL!! Welcome to what liberals were asking repeatedly every time trump bragged about "his" stock market for 4 years. Why was a record stock market such a great thing under trump, but now is no longer a big deal?

The majority of trump voting buffoons never owned stocks, either, but that didn't stop King Crybaby from bragging about it. As usual, the hypocrisy of MAGA is simultaneously, and objectively, sad and hilarious.
berryberry's Avatar
LOL!! Welcome to what liberals were asking repeatedly every time trump bragged about "his" stock market for 4 years. Why was a record stock market such a great thing under trump, but now is no longer a big deal? Originally Posted by tommy156
Funny how you changed the subject and did not answer the question. Why is that?

Please tell us how much the average American has in savings and investments. How much do those working two jobs have stashed away? How much of the population do they make up

The majority of trump voting buffoons never owned stocks, either, . Originally Posted by tommy156
Wow another whopping generalization by you mixed in with name calling. Can you please provide some facts to support your statement?
Wow another whopping generalization by you mixed in with name calling. Can you please provide some facts to support your statement? Originally Posted by berryberry
Oh please, you engage in name calling of liberals all the damn time. You also called for millions of liberals to be "destroyed" not too long ago. I'm sure you remember the infraction you received for creating that thread, which got promptly shut down. So please, spare us the faux indignity.

Ok. So, either the majority of trump voters DO own stocks, which means they should be ecstatic about the current status of Biden's record stock market... or they DON'T own stocks and it was never the big deal trump made it out to be to begin with. Which is it?

All of this brings me back to the original topic that, a group of South Carolina barber shop boys complaining about the economy is called "anecdotal evidence" and is, by no means, representative of all Americans. This shouldn't be that hard to understand, especially given the presented anecdotal evidence to the contrary.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
For every disgruntled South Carolina voter who thinks that mean ol' Joe Biden intentionally ruined their life, there's someone like me, who's doing better than ever.
Thats clearly not the case, unless half the population is dumb AF, which is highly probable. You’re doing a full 20% worse than you should be under Biden, just like everyone else. You doing better than you were doing before, even with nearly a quarter of your buying power disintegrated, is totally meaningless other than as a gauge if how crappy you previously did.
berryberry's Avatar
a group of South Carolina barber shop boys Originally Posted by tommy156
Did you really attack these well spoken, educated black men by derisively calling them boys?
lustylad's Avatar
...inflation, which literally had nothing to do with Biden... Originally Posted by tommy156
Yikes! How can anyone keep repeating this absurdity over & over again with a straight face?

Ironman is exasperated!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Did you really attack these well spoken, educated black men by derisively calling them boys? Originally Posted by berryberry

WHO won South Carolina in 2020? Trump by points.

How does this “shift” in black voter attitudes, as you seem to believe these barbershop patrons indicate, affect that?

Remember … at the end of the day, they don’t ask how much but how many.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
South Carolina isn’t the only place black people live. The point is the attitude of a race, not a state.