Old lady alert

There are a couple old ladies here who have overstayed their welcome. Italia, Rm, and my favorite Cendell( I went in on your pussy because I heard splat) oh I forgot lusty whatever at 500 or whatever an hour. First of all most of you’ll been selling pussy since Griselda Blanco.The fact I got to show you the door is outright embarrassing. Either you’ll are pimped or other. I think other. Ain’t nobody checking for old lady porn. God bless Biden. There’s a bad bitch crossing the border right now in need of help. Stay woke fellas. Italia for one I fucked her in Escape. She still here. All the bad bitches at Escape have figured the shit out. There’s a reason.. She still here. Say no to old ladies. The coyote is bringing a fresh batch of cheap pussy. Be patient and sit on your money. Starve these old ladies. There’s a job for them. Checking receipts at Walmart .
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
"The older the berry, the sweeter the juice!"
winn dixie's Avatar
The wrath that's coming.....
I'm outta here....toddlez
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Closing thread.