There wasn't a war under Trump because he killed over 200,000 thousand people right here in the good old USA with that fake disease COVID. He said it would go away and you didn't have to do anything.
Then he wanted to use bleach and light to cure it. I will never ever forget that one. I watched it live. OMG, right out of Comedy Central.
Then once he had that all fucked up and losing the election from it. He started getting police and guards at the capitol killed because he lost by multi and I mean multi millions of votes that you guys are still counting daily. Looking for the i's without the dots and t's that are not crossed.
Lets not forget about how he had hundreds shot and killed when he walked the Bible across the street with all the riots. We were back in the 60's with the riots. Days of it.
Then the constant bullshit daily of turning the Republicans and Democrats apart. He is doing it now without being president. He give the order in the last two weeks of not making a deal with the boarder.
Biden did what a president is suppose to do. Someone attacks our people you retaliate. And do it strategically. Not like Trump would. Trump can't even spell strategically. LOL
So for all the nay Sayers, that's why no one can believe any of your posts. You are like a Tiger looking to fuck over(pounce) a president that is doing what he is suppose to do. Problem is your hero didn't know what to do other then kiss the enemy's ass like he did with Putin and Korea.