"Oriental" look?

Which providers have the most "Asian-doll" looking facial features, like with the eyes, nose, etc? Hope you guys know what I mean.

olivevet84's Avatar
Kendal from gl and Amy2 sf
You want a Chinese girl at that point.
Stressfree1's Avatar
Are you talking about the girls in the sub-Amp ads with the sexy 19 yr olds that are never at the spa?
Some of these women are in their 40s or even 50s. I'm pretty sure some of them have daughters. As long as they are over 18 years old, try hooking up with their daughters.
I went to one of the sketchy Adultsearch studios at some hotel in Richardson in my early days of hobbying. I think the girl was chinese. She was at least young-ish and not awful looking, and it was cheap, like 150 bucks. She didn't speak 10 words of english and so we did the whole thing without exchanging many words. After we were done I just left. Not sure if I was expected to but I felt awkward as hell and like I had possibly just fucked a woman whose passport had been confiscated or something. Don't recommend.
Some of these women are in their 40s or even 50s. I'm pretty sure some of them have daughters. As long as they are over 18 years old, try hooking up with their daughters. Originally Posted by Wifenothornyenough
it's not about youth, it's about their facial features and look.
Here's a few examples:

Evelyn and Abby come to mind
2balls75's Avatar
Nice pics Rag, is she Veit?