When will the Deep State remove Biden?

bambino's Avatar
Biden’s DOJ admitted publicly that Joey Bribes brain is dust. People with half a brain already knew this. This is a major admission and Biden’s time as a fake POTUS is coming to an end. But he served his purpose to bring this country down. Time for him to go. How long? By the end of the month? Certainly before the Democrats convention.

Will he resign? 25th Amendment? Or will he just die?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not soon enough. Agree with the policy of whoever the replacement is or not, at least we’d have a President who’s sentient.
bambino's Avatar
Not soon enough. Agree with the policy of whoever the replacement is or not, at least we’d have a President who’s sentient. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Not if it’s Kamala. But it will be a criminal. That’s how the Deep State operates.
bambino's Avatar
How did Trump know this 3yrs ago?


Think about it
... But Ol' Sleepy Joe surely got some moxie, still!

He's gonna dig his heels in and NOT resign! ...

... So now we got President "Heels In" and VP "Heels Up"...

... Remove Him??! ... That's a ten-a-penny dream, mates.

... Joe "knows" in his mind that he will beat Trump again...

... He aint leavin'

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar

A Young Joey Bribes lying his ass off. He’s always been a fraud, liar and criminal. A perfect puppet for the Deep State. His bullshit is over.
bambino's Avatar
As Q posted, change of batter coming

Jacuzzme's Avatar
iheartHR's Avatar
I thought this this a pervert site... not a site for ignorant farts who wish Hitler, Mussolini, or Stalin were alive and living in the USA so they can vote for them....
Jacuzzme's Avatar
It’s getting more and more obvious that the former first tranny has green lighted taking Biden out of the picture. When cnn starts documenting Biden’s corruption, it’s all over but the crying.

I’ll guess the original plan was to use good ole Uncle Joe (yuck yuck) then install Harris. The issue is Harris is as disliked as Hillary.

Interesting to see who they march out as the savior. Will it be Mooshell, I have my doubts, she also disliked regardless what the liberals think.