Another one

berryberry's Avatar
BREAKING: Lakewood Church shooter identified as a leftist transgender from El Salvador

How many crazy leftist trans shooters is that now ?

The Lakewood Church shooter identified as trans.

The Iowa shooter identified as a radical rainbow activist.

The Nashville shooter identified as trans.

The Colorado Springs shooter identified as non binary.

The Denver shooter identified as trans.

The Aberdeen shooter identified as trans.

Why are leftists continuing to radicalize these people into terrorists? When will the left acknowledge this is a problem?
DNinja69's Avatar
I believe right-wing white men far outnumber any LBGTQ persons when it comes to outbursts of gun violence.

From the news reports 'Free Palestine' was displayed on a a weapon used so there are likely motivations for this atrocious act that fall outside the scope of the aforementioned list.

Hope the child pulls through whatever the inspiration for this shooting the young ones are innocents.
berryberry's Avatar
Leftist activists are already coming to the defense of the leftist trans Texas Church shooter. They’re shifting the blame onto normal Americans and claiming that this is the consequence for criticizing radical leftist trans ideology.

Will we see the media follow a similar pattern. They did that with other cases of trans terrorism.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
(Staff edit) It should come as no surprise that they’re gonna lose their shit and become violent now and then. We need to bring back large scale (Staff edit) institutions for these freaks.
eyecu2's Avatar
I would say generally Trans women are not aggressive, but women transitioning to men certainly can be. They are on loads of testosterone which as we all know is an aggressive hormone...but in general I agree that anyone on hormonal therapy are not likely good gun owners.

Walking around with a heavy testosterone boner is literally walking around with a loaded gun.- As we all know.

How would you ever legislate or enforce a law like that??
DNinja69's Avatar
Yes it is obvious given the information that unstable, violent, and dangerous individuals are present within the trans community. We are also aware this behavior exists within every other variation of sexuality and large group of humans. It can be argued that men are prone to such efforts more often than women among a few other trends that may cause a curve or two in the incident charts. I do realize it is popular to label liberals as more unhinged though plenty of examples of derangement exist on the right so I say let's see some actual data to support the OP claim.

If these types of outbursts of mayhem are more likely to be perpetrated by members of the trans community where is the data to support that? Or is the goal just to stereotype and profile a group that some people don't approve of in order to satisfy some personal grudge? I am all about information so if those numbers have been compiled in some reasonably unbiased venue I would like to see them.

Having been a true crime junkie since long before OJ took a ride on national television I have not seen much data to support anything outside of humans as a species being the issue regardless of other qualifiers.
Always happy to be proven... as is by offering PROOF... wrong
berryberry's Avatar
Lakewood, Iowa, Nashville, Colorado Springs, Denver, Aberdeen

The list goes on
DNinja69's Avatar
The list includes a lot more unfortunate events than those and most of them perpetrated by people whose descriptors likely fit the people posting here than the group the OP seeks to target and shame.

Jacksonville comes top mind that was just a few months ago last I checked that is not a liberal locale. A little fact checking goes a long way
Ok, so we're suddenly concerned about mass shootings now.
berryberry's Avatar
The Lakewood Church shooter who was trans was from El Salvador and voted illegally in 2020.
DNinja69's Avatar
Bang the drum all day someone being trans makes them no more or less likely to commit murder. Period.