GOP OVERSIGHT - Bobulinski confirms Senile Biden is a criminal

berryberry's Avatar
Today, we interviewed Tony Bobulinski. He articulated under oath that Joe Biden was “the brand” the Bidens sold to enrich the family. Joe Biden not only knew about his family’s dealings with a CCP- linked energy company, but he also enabled them and participated in them.

He also testified that he believes Joe Biden committed wrongdoing and continues to lie to the American people about his participation in his family’s influence peddling schemes.

His testimony was unshakeable, providing facts Democrats didn’t want to hear. As such, Democrats put on a shameful display as they yelled at Mr. Bobulinski, cut him off, belittled him, and threatened him.

We will soon release the transcript to provide the American people with transparency about Joe Biden’s involvement in his family’s shady schemes and Democrats’ efforts to smear him for blowing the whistle.
berryberry's Avatar
... Gonna be a NEW fellow on as AG next year.
And will no doubt be looking to charge Joe Biden for his
orchestration of Influence Peddling and Corruption.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
Tony Bobulinski testimony:

berryberry's Avatar
Ex-Biden biz associate says China successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise WH, Biden ‘enabled’ CCP-linked transactions

WASHINGTON — A former Biden family business associate-turned-whistleblower alleged in explosive testimony before House impeachment probers Tuesday that the president was “the Brand” being sold by relatives in their lucrative dealings in countries such as China and Ukraine.

Tony Bobulinski — a former Navy officer who worked with first son Hunter Biden and first brother James on a venture with CEFC China Energy — is considered one of the Republicans’ best hopes of cementing testimony linking the president to foreign deals.

“For nearly four years, I have tried to tell the American people the truth about serious corruption at the very top of their government,” Bobulinski said in opening statements to House members from both sides of the political aisle in the closed-door session.

“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” Bobulinski alleged.

“It is clear to me that Joe Biden was ‘the Brand’ being sold by the Biden family.

“The Chinese Communist Party through its surrogate, China Energy Company Limited, or ‘CEFC’ — a CCP-linked Chinese energy conglomerate — successfully sought to infiltrate and compromise Joe Biden and the Obama-Biden White House.

“Joe Biden was aware of the CEFC transaction, enabled it, and had a constitutional responsibility and obligation to the American people to shut it down before it began,” Bobulinski said.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
“The Biden family business was Joe Biden, period,” Originally Posted by berryberry
Only an idiot would believe otherwise. Nobody in their right mind would hire hide the parmesan cheese Hunter to cut the grass, let alone participate in decisions of multi billion dollar corporations.
rmg_35's Avatar
Only an idiot will continue to post radical far-right wing extremist conspiracy theory media bullshit that never comes to fruition. Bobulinski continues to spew this bullshit without providing any actual proof, but shameless ill-informed magas Republicans keep spewing this bullshit. Will be the same outcome as Ukraine.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
CNN link is hysterical. Clearly Biden set up “extremely casual” meetings with some random schlep for fun. Joe just wanted to exchange tapioca recipes and shuffleboard strategies.

Anyone who believes that claptrap is as gullible as crooked politicians need them to be.
berryberry's Avatar
Tony Bobulinski: Bidens 'Sold Out' US to Ukraine, China

"Joe Biden was more than a participant in and beneficiary of his family's business; he was an enabler, despite being buffered by a complex scheme to maintain plausible deniability."

The testimony is being taken under subpoena in the House GOP's Biden impeachment inquiry, and Bobulinski laments the U.S. government and complicit media has ignored his "extensive evidence" and allegations for years — even to the point of suppression — he said in his opening statement.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Not sure why he laments the government ignoring evidence, it’s what they do. Manufacturer what you need and ignore anything else. If he doesn’t realize that already he’s not paying attention.
... Lemme just remind the masses here that Joe Biden
is NOT on trial yet - THAT will come Next Year!

Right now, it's the House Oversight Committe getting testimony
and facts from witnesses. ... And then deciding whether or not
to move ahead with Impeachment.

... It's all one step at a time... James Biden due in next week.
And Hunter Biden soon after. ...

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden has repeatedly lied to the American people about his knowledge of and participation in his family’s business dealings.

Only an idiot will continue to post radical far-right wing extremist conspiracy theory media bullshit that never comes to fruition. Bobulinski continues to spew this bullshit without providing any actual proof, but shameless ill-informed magas Republicans keep spewing this bullshit. Will be the same outcome as Ukraine. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Bobulinski knows his audience. These folks never need proof of anything. They just believe what they're told.