Now we know why Republicans didn't want Hunter testifying in public

Because they were being duped by Russian spies...

As usual, Republicans flying off the handle emotionally, and not putting an ounce of rational thought into it. There were no "bribes", just bullshit.

The former FBI informant charged with lying about the Bidens’ dealings in Ukraine told investigators after his arrestthat Russian intelligence officials were involved in passing information to him about Hunter Biden, prosecutors said Tuesday in a new court filing, noting that the information was false.

Smirnov claims to have “extensive and extremely recent” contacts with foreign intelligence officials, prosecutors said in the filing. They saidhe previously told the FBI that he has longstanding and extensive contacts with Russian spies, including individuals he said were high-level intelligence officers or command Russian assassins abroad


I'd call Comer and Jordan morons, but they're most likely willing traitors to the United States of America
Cody69's Avatar
It is all smoke and mirrors. They will continue to do the smoke and mirror routine till the election. They do that every election. They are pro's at it. Remember Emails till election day. Taking guns away is ready to be broadcast I'm sure of it.
rmg_35's Avatar
It's all so the radical far-right wing extremist conspiracy theory bullshit media has something to keep their moronic ill-informed idiots stupid and focused on any real issues dealing with their tangerine turd, the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump. Their projection that the "biden crime family" distracts the fools and keeps their focus away from the actual crimes of the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump. Pathetic that the moronic, idiotic magas can't see through the bullshit, but that's maga for you, total fools and idiots.
Pathetic that the moronic, idiotic magas can't see through the bullshit, but that's maga for you, total fools and idiots. Originally Posted by rmg_35
Even worse is that many of them can see through the bullshit and willingly choose to side with a traitor to the United States of America.