Senile Biden's Corrupt DOJ Covering Up for him yet again

berryberry's Avatar
The FBI hired Alexander Smirnov, an Israeli citizen, 14 years ago to spy for the US. He was contractually allowed to break the law on the FBI’s behalf.

The FBI paid him so much over the years his net worth is $6M.

When he alerted the FBI Joe and Hunter were receiving millions from Burisma the FBI buried the report. Now that Congress has the report, Senile Biden’s DOJ is prosecuting Smirnov to protect Senile Biden.

The corrupt Senile Biden regime is sending a message to whistleblowers: keep your mouth shut or go to jail.
berryberry's Avatar
Remember Smirnov is the FBI’s long-standing, “trusted”, “credible” (their words) informant who they have paid more than $100,000 since at least 2010 and who has testified in multiple cases that likely led to convictions. Per indictment, information he provided was used on: 10/1/2010, 5/17/2011, 11/28/2012, 04/12/2013, 8/29/2013, 7/10/2015 and 3/11/2020.
winn dixie's Avatar

Completely debunked. Even some Republicans admitted that. Smirnov lied.he has extensive ties to russia
Just another attempt to project the crimes of another guy onto Biden. Sad, pathetic deflection.
berryberry's Avatar
The DOJ and FBI have a lot of explaining to do about their reliance on the informant whose allegations were included in the FBI-generated FD-1023.

- Why did they use this informant, who officials claimed was highly credible, since 2010?

- Why did they pay the informant six figures?

- Why did the DOJ sit on serious allegations from the informant whom the FBI deemed highly credible for years before investigating the claims?

- Why is the DOJ now throwing the informant under the bus to protect Senile Biden?

The American people deserve answers.
winn dixie's Avatar
Few months ago the tune was different when magas just knew they had him ( Biden)
berryberry's Avatar
Who says they don't have him. Anyone with any common sense can clearly see the cover up in action by Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ
... That's a good point... Reckon that the FBI/DOJ surely trusted
the Smirnov bloke in the past - but the fellow is somehow now
"lying" when it comes to The Bidens??

Please forgive me for bein' just a bit skeptical - seeing as the
FBI/DOJ and the Bidens don't exactly have a great track record
with telling the truth much-any... ... So that's that...

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Who says they don't have him. Anyone with any common sense can clearly see the cover up in action by Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ Originally Posted by berryberry
Proof? Smirnov lied to the doj/fbi
Smirnov was led by magas that's a fact. In reality since smirnov is now being investigated because of his lies those magas gonna have some splaining to do.
berryberry's Avatar
Proof? Smirnov lied to the doj/fbi
Smirnov was led by magas that's a fact. In reality since smirnov is now being investigated because of his lies those magas gonna have some splaining to do. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Did the same 50+ intelligence officials who lied about Hunter Biden's laptop being "Russian disinformation" cook up this same comical lie about Smirnov now

Senile Biden has a history of bald faced lies
Senile Biden's DOJ has a history of lies and being utterly corrupt

This is a cover up - plain and simple by David Wiess. You know, the same David Weiss who supposedly has been “investigating” (aka dragging his feet) Hunter Biden for almost six years.

The same corrupt Weiss who brought no charges at all, allowing the statute of limitations for several crimes to expire.

The same corrupt Weiss, who when multiple Democrat IRS whistleblowers called out Hunter’s special treatment, he attempted a sweetheart plea deal that would have given Hunter total immunity, until a Democrat judge noticed what was afoot and quashed it.

Now that Weiss has been foiled in those avenues, he’s trying to take out an FBI source who has become a major Biden political liability.
Maybe Weiss has been "dragging his feet" with Biden for 6 years because there's nothing there that constitutes a crime? If there is, where's the evidence?

Either trump hired the worst investigator of all time (wouldn't be surprising, given his track record of hiring the most incompetent dumbfucks in every aspect of his life), or there's simply nothing there to warrant all this scrutiny from DOJ. Either way, another embarrassment for Republicans.

There can't be a "cover up" when there's no crime.
eyecu2's Avatar
If only there was something like-

A perfect phone call to another leader?

Examples of running a perfect company?

Another perfect phone call to a secty of state?

A perfect disclaimer offsetting distorted valuations?

A witch-hunt.

Perfect declassifying of documents waive of the hand.

Poor Joe...if only he had some of these get-out-of-jail-free cards above!!

What's ironic is the self incrimination of one guy goes on with nary a peep from his supporters or "news" sponsors, and the other is being drilled down on because he loaned his brother and son money.

MAGA -"There corruption for certain....but we don't have any facts to support it. We got some perjuring SOBs like Smirnov and Guliani..and some attorneys in GA who pled guilty to fraud, but we just are too fucking stupid to get that slippery Biden character!"


"Biden is a criminal mastermind!!"


There's just no crimes. Just the smokescreen the FECKLESS GOP committee has concocted to distract from a certain other guy, his 91 felonies and his GoFundMe.

Which one is it?
berryberry's Avatar
So Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ suddenly doesn't believe what the FBI's longtime paid informant Smirnov said about the Senile Bidens illicit ties to corrupt Burisma, but they do believe what he said about supposedly having Russian intelligence contacts?

Just months ago Wray was telling us that Smirnov was a highly trusted asset and now Senile Biden's corrupt DOJ in an attempt to cover up for Senile Biden claims he is peddling disinformation.

It's all so politically convenient, isn't it?

It is laughable that Senile Biden and the leftists really expect people to believe this crap. Sadly we know the DNC media will push the story to all the leftists out there who believe anything the DNC media feeds them. Thankfully the rest of America has more common sense to fall for this crap