The swamp

winn dixie's Avatar
The swamp is the system. It's politics and power. The elite and powerful. It's the grown ups table. It is what it is.
You can't change the swamp. It can't be drained. It's not necessarily all corrupt and evil. The swamp is just a term for the game, the system.
With elections we can control how muddy the swamp gets.
But by defeating trumpf and maga this year. And ending the shitlers never ending drama we can get back to a respectful government for the people.
DNinja69's Avatar
I agree on the swamp the best case really is dredging the worst of it and hoping something worse does not spawn in its place.

Hard to defend Trump after his ungraceful exit but he did the job of being President pretty fucking well if you ask me.

Biden is a buffoon who likely was not cut out to be a good President even when he could remember who the President actually is.

Maybe somebody much smarter than me can make a case for post-covid recession taking some of the blame off our current administration but I am struggling to think of any major policy area that scores high enough to indicate ole Joe deserves another term.

The swamp is exceptionally murky this time around.

If Biden does not take the debate stage I think Trump serves another term. If Biden does try to spar with Trump real time I think Kamala Harris will be our next President.
winn dixie's Avatar
If we get to dredge that swamp. I hope to get all the maga out. As it's a biohazard. TOXIC!
I agree on the swamp the best case really is dredging the worst of it and hoping something worse does not spawn in its place.

Hard to defend Trump after his ungraceful exit but he did the job of being President pretty fucking well if you ask me. Originally Posted by DNinja69
I tend to agree with 95% of what you say, then something like this comes along lol.

trump's presidency was an embarrassing debacle (at best) from day one, starting with his speech on inauguration day, and his insistence on lying about the crowd size.

And that was the best day of his presidency. It only got worse from there.

All he did by "draining the swamp" was make room for bigger, more treasonous alligators. It was the worst, most embarrassing presidency in U.S. history - and so say many presidential historians, not just me.
eyecu2's Avatar
I've had enough Trump for two lifetimes. I would really rather never hear of him or his kids ever again. Nauseating.
I agree. I’m a right leaning moderate and Trumps an idiot but he does have a stranglehold on about 25% of the population.
Problem for Trump is the other 75% will never vote for him.
I agree with some of his ideas, including draining the swamp but he lies or brags every time he opens his mouth.
Washington should be collectively embarrassed.