Who will be the DNC nominee?

DNinja69's Avatar

When the poll numbers start to slide the buttholes begin to pucker.

Trump may have left a sour taste in the mouths of AZ Republicans once upon a time but time may have healed those wounds.

I don't believe it will take much more slippage in the polls to get the Dems looking seriously at ousting ole Joe.

But who will take his place?

Let's hope its not our current VP she has definitely not earned a promotion.
bambino's Avatar
The Deep state knew when they installed Bribes they would have to replace him. I’m shocked this retard lasted this long. But he’ll be gone soon. It won’t help them tho. It’s a sinking ship.
DNinja69's Avatar
Its called a vote.

Trump lost.

Biden is well past his expiration date for holding office we would agree on that
bambino's Avatar
Its called a vote.

Trump lost.

Biden is well past his expiration date for holding office we would agree on that Originally Posted by DNinja69
We haven’t had free and fair elections in long time Sparky. But you can stay naive. Your choice.
DNinja69's Avatar
You could actually form a sentence without childish name calling should that be your choice much like yu can chose to believe whatever process you like determines who is our next President.

Fair is somewhat subjective but free I agree Americans have very little choice on what floats to the top come election time.

Any thoughts on who might take Bidens spot should he somehow not be the DNC choice?
bambino's Avatar
You could actually form a sentence without childish name calling should that be your choice much like yu can chose to believe whatever process you like determines who is our next President.

Fair is somewhat subjective but free I agree Americans have very little choice on what floats to the top come election time.

Any thoughts on who might take Bidens spot should he somehow not be the DNC choice? Originally Posted by DNinja69
Oh Cmon, it’s a hooker board. I get mine and more of that. Since you’re a cowboy, man up. But, you can be warm and fuzzy.
DNinja69's Avatar
So nada on the election?

Just up here flirtin I see all good.

I will be somewhat happy if the current P/VP get jettisoned but who knows just because it should happen don't mean it will
bambino's Avatar
So nada on the election?

Just up here flirtin I see all good.

I will be somewhat happy if the current P/VP get jettisoned but who knows just because it should happen don't mean it will Originally Posted by DNinja69
The 2020 election was rigged and stolen. How many times can I say it? But I’m glad you found a safe place in the Pittsburgh forum. I even wear cowboy boots. I prefer Lucheses’s.
DNinja69's Avatar
If you believe its that far gone what is worth talking about?

Safety much like Freedom is what you make of it.

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a shitshow of immaculate proportions and whether its Trump v Biden or not this will be a wild and crazy hayride!
bambino's Avatar
If you believe its that far gone what is worth talking about?

Safety much like Freedom is what you make of it.

The 2024 election is shaping up to be a shitshow of immaculate proportions and whether its Trump v Biden or not this will be a wild and crazy hayride! Originally Posted by DNinja69
Oh, Ninja, I said it was that far gone, but not over. I’m thinking rigged elections will be over. SOON. Buckle up Buttercup.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Its called a vote.

Trump lost.

Biden is well past his expiration date for holding office we would agree on that Originally Posted by DNinja69
It’s called a ballot, a very different thing than a vote.
bambino's Avatar
JUST IN - Trump calls California Gov. 'New Scum'. I guess he’s the obvious choice as a pinch hitter.


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The 2020 election was rigged and stolen. How many times can I say it? Originally Posted by bambino
Not enough times to make it true
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen time to make your points and move on there is no reason for name calling
I was talking with someone the other day and jokingly said "the DNC could run Taylor Swift and she would win". Stupid comment but it's really where we are as a country right now. If the DNC wants a puppet they can either go w Joe again and lose or they could get a Taylor Swift who couldn't possibly lose. Hillary wouldn't have a chance, Kamala? No thanks. Who else do they have?