The Warning Signs of a Cult

I think we're way past the "warning" signs with the trump cult (it is, indeed, a full blown cult) but every single item on this list describes his supporters precisely to a T, as is proven multiple times every day.

Feel free to add to the list with any more indisputable truths about the trump cult:

1. The leader is always right (no matter how contradictory it may be to earlier statements the leader has made)

2. Any criticism or questioning of the leader is considered persecution

3. Anything the leader does is justified no matter how harmful it may be

4. The leader is the only source of truth; everybody else is lying

5. Followers must be blindly devoted to the leader and never question him

6. The members will never recognize they are in a cult

7. Evidence, or lack thereof, is of no importance. Only what the leader says is true.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I think we're way past the "warning" signs with the trump cult (it is, indeed, a full blown cult) but every single item on this list describes his supporters precisely to a T, as is proven multiple times every day.

Feel free to add to the list with any more indisputable truths about the trump cult:

1. The leader is always right (no matter how contradictory it may be to earlier statements the leader has made)

2. Any criticism or questioning of the leader is considered persecution

3. Anything the leader does is justified no matter how harmful it may be

4. The leader is the only source of truth; everybody else is lying

5. Followers must be blindly devoted to the leader and never question him

6. The members will never recognize they are in a cult

7. Evidence, or lack thereof, is of no importance. Only what the leader says is true.
Originally Posted by tommy156

congrats. you just defined the Democratic party

thank you valued poster
rmg_35's Avatar
congrats. you just defined the Democratic party

thank you valued poster Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Always projecting. Amazing how so many magas can just blindly follow the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump. People always question how Hitler came to power, maga proves how dumb, stupid, foolish, and idiotic a group of people can become to follow a piece of shit like tRump.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Always projecting. Amazing how so many magas can just blindly follow the insurrectionist treasonist traitor and sexual abuser tRump. People always question how Hitler came to power, maga proves how dumb, stupid, foolish, and idiotic a group of people can become to follow a piece of shit like tRump. Originally Posted by rmg_35

you amuse me by comparing Trump to Hitler. you'd do better making that case against Obama and Biden. and the Democratic party you seem to obey without question. is that a cult?

you amuse me by comparing Trump to Hitler. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
trump is literally quoting Hitler in his speeches these days. But continue to ignore it. That's a combo of #1, 3 and 5 on the list of Warning Signs. Fits right in.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
trump is literally quoting Hitler in his speeches these days. But continue to ignore it. That's a combo of #1, 3 and 5 on the list of Warning Signs. Fits right in. Originally Posted by tommy156

oh really? did CNN tell you that? MSNBC? i rather doubt you'd even watch a video of one of Trump's campaign speeches.

so what rhetoric do you claim are "literally quoting Hitler in his speeches"?

you should easily find a valid example yeah?

do you realize your own wild claims and others here sound .. exactly like a cult?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
A cult is a bunch of people who worship a dead guy, aka Joe Biden.
berryberry's Avatar
A cult is a bunch of people who worship a dead guy, aka Joe Biden. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Or who all dress alike (in this case in white dresses) and clap like trained seals at whatever inane lie comes out of Senile Bidens mouth. The Democrats are a cult
... Along-with the liberal news media - who surely parrot
whatever bullshit the White House tells them to.

All the classic signs and symptoms are there.

#### Salty
oh really? did CNN tell you that? MSNBC? i rather doubt you'd even watch a video of one of Trump's campaign speeches.

so what rhetoric do you claim are "literally quoting Hitler in his speeches"?

you should easily find a valid example yeah? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
No, CNN didn't tell me, trump did. And yeah, I easily found a valid example. It's kinda funny you're getting so defensive about this. Your guy is the one quoting Hitler, not mine.
Or who all dress alike (in this case in white dresses) and clap like trained seals at whatever inane lie comes out of Senile Bidens mouth. The Democrats are a cult Originally Posted by berryberry
You're honestly not trying to claim Democrats are the ones who all dress alike, are you? Lol. A fuck ton of red hats and golden sneakers would like to have a word with you.

You're honestly not trying to claim Democrats are the ones who all dress alike, are you? Lol. A fuck ton of red hats and golden sneakers would like to have a word with you.

Originally Posted by tommy156
... And are YOU honestly gonna claim that Democrats
don't dress alike when they wear all black and surely
cover their faces as the loot and pillage the shoppes
and businesses. ... Chicago, Philidelphia, Portland,
San Francisco, Seattle... etc...

Now THAT is a Cult - and a liberal one at that.

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
You're honestly not trying to claim Democrats are the ones who all dress alike, are you? Lol. A fuck ton of red hats and golden sneakers would like to have a word with you.

Originally Posted by tommy156
You obviously didn't watch the Democrat women all dressed alike in white and all the Democrats clapping like trained seals at every inane angry remark dementia Joe made

True signs democrats are a cult
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
No, CNN didn't tell me, trump did. And yeah, I easily found a valid example. It's kinda funny you're getting so defensive about this. Your guy is the one quoting Hitler, not mine. Originally Posted by tommy156

the Missouri Independent is your "source"? a non profit liberal rag? that's the best you can find?


any politician who uses the word "vermin" to describe a political opponent is "channeling Hitler"?

what would that make Clinton for calling Trump supporters "Deplorables"?

Hitleria Clinton?

the Missouri Independent is your "source"? a non profit liberal rag? that's the best you can find?


any politician who uses the word "vermin" to describe a political opponent is "channeling Hitler"? Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Dude, a quick Google search turns up dozens of articles on the subject. I just went with one of the first few. Take your pick. trump said that immigrants were "poisoning the blood of our country". It's a direct Hitler quote. And yes, using "vermin" in the way has also channels Hitler.

Your guy loves Hitler. And by the way, the "source" was trump's own speech, not a "non profit liberal rag", the source was the words that came out of trump's hateful mouth. We all have eyes and ears.