What a disgusting piece of shit Senile Biden is

berryberry's Avatar
After ignoring Laken Riley and her family, not even saying her name even though Senile Biden and the Democrats murdered her by letting vast numbers of illegals in our country, he was finally forced to say her name in the SOTU.

And the Senile bastard couldn't even do that referring to Lincoln Riley the football coach

But wait. Rather than apologize to Laken's family, piece of shit Biden ignores them and I stead Senile Biden goes on TV and apologized to the illegal murdering scum who viciously killed this poor girl

This is the Democrat party. Nearly all of them are disgusting pieces of shit who are destroying our country with their open borders and love for illegals
bambino's Avatar
No reasonable human being would have did what Joey Bribes just did. Is it the real Joey Bribes? Or a puppet playing the part of Joey Bribes. Time will tell.

Jacuzzme's Avatar
He’s not going to apologize to them, that’s an admission of his throwing open the gates got her killed. The goal is to strategically flood the country with millions of people to be counted in the next census, which ends up with favorable apportionment in the House of Representatives. They claim that these people can’t vote, which is highly dubious in and of itself, but they 100% legally effect how the people are represented. If some people die to achieve this goal, they’re acceptable losses.
After ignoring Laken Riley and her family, not even saying her name even though Senile Biden and the Democrats murdered her by letting vast numbers of illegals in our country, he was finally forced to say her name in the SOTU.

And the Senile bastard couldn't even do that referring to Lincoln Riley the football coach

But wait. Rather than apologize to Laken's family, piece of shit Biden ignores them and I stead Senile Biden goes on TV and apologized to the illegal murdering scum who viciously killed this poor girl

This is the Democrat party. Nearly all of them are disgusting pieces of shit who are destroying our country with their open borders and love for illegals Originally Posted by berryberry
winn dixie's Avatar
After ignoring Laken Riley and her family, not even saying her name even though Senile Biden and the Democrats murdered her by letting vast numbers of illegals in our country, he was finally forced to say her name in the SOTU.

And the Senile bastard couldn't even do that referring to Lincoln Riley the football coach

But wait. Rather than apologize to Laken's family, piece of shit Biden ignores them and I stead Senile Biden goes on TV and apologized to the illegal murdering scum who viciously killed this poor girl

This is the Democrat party. Nearly all of them are disgusting pieces of shit who are destroying our country with their open borders and love for illegals Originally Posted by berryberry
Nonsense to blame Biden.
To use this young lady as a political stunt is the veil disgusting ways of maga. And why disgrace millions of illegals for the actions of the few.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why not? Every one of them is a criminal, some just more than others. And why not blame Biden? It’s his policies, or lack thereof, that allowed the guy to be here in the first place. If not for Biden’s intentional approval of lawlessness the girl would still be alive, he deserves every bit of scorn he gets.

And not use her as a political stunt? Did you say that with a straight face? I suppose you never heard of George Floyd, the piece of shit career criminal who is dead from his own recreational activities, not an innocent young girl with a bright future who’s dream of helping others as a nurse was about to come true. The death of one of those two actually deserves outrage, but the wrong one got it in spades.
winn dixie's Avatar
Her death is sad. Like any others.
Why use it as a political stunt against a majority of illegals that don't commit homicides.
Where's the outrage over the majority of deaths that are committed by us citizens on other us citizens?
This is a racist rant on Latino peoples.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Why use a piece of human debris like Floyd to cast dispersions on underpaid, under appreciated cops? At least this girl would’ve been a contributor to society, someone actually worthy of being politicized.
DNinja69's Avatar
So in addition to Laken Riley now you need to dig up George Floyd's bones in order to make a political point. Wow. I am reminded of a quite from then President following the unlawful ending to Mr Floyd's life.

"All Americans were rightly sickened and revolted by the brutal death of George Floyd. My administration is fully committed that, for George and his family, justice will be served. He will not have died in vain. But we cannot allow the righteous cries and peaceful protesters to be drowned out by an angry mob."

Oh the irony looking back on that statement today.

What Biden actually said:

“Lincoln — Lincoln Riley, an innocent young woman who was killed by an illegal”

The USC football program did not respond to request for comment.

A reality that is uncomfortable for some people to accept is that immigration reform was put to a vote and defeated due to a lack of Republican support. I mean why not derail the effort in hopes that it inspires Republican voters come November? What cost might be paid by families in areas where large numbers of illegals are settling? Nah just let the border issues worsen another few months and then maybe perhaps if Biden loses the White House AND Dems don't gain in the Senate something better might get done. Good thing only one sides uses political posturing at the expense of citizens well being.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Except that bill was garbage that did nothing to stop illegals from coming in and was loaded with a bunch of other shit like Ukraine spending. I don’t give AF how fast illegals are processed, keep them out and the processing problems disappear.

Get back to me when there’s a bill that actually locks down the border. Like any other wound, first you stop the bleeding.

As for Floyd, that’s just pointing out the other guy’s hypocrisy, yipping about turning a girls death into a political football.
berryberry's Avatar
While Senile Biden was on MSNBC apologizing to the illegal who killed Laken Riley, Trump was meeting with her mother and father to offer his condolences

There isn't anything else to say other than Senile Biden is a vile, disgusting piece of shit
berryberry's Avatar
Trump: "I'm sorry that your daughter was murdered by an illegal alien criminal."

Senile Biden: "I'm sorry I called the murderer of the college woman an illegal alien."

The campaign ads just write themselves.
winn dixie's Avatar
Trump: "I'm sorry that your daughter was murdered by an illegal alien criminal."

Senile Biden: "I'm sorry I called the murderer of the college woman an illegal alien."

The campaign ads just write themselves. Originally Posted by berryberry

Trump- political stunt
Biden- being a decent human being and apologizing to a large group of people that do not commit murder. Why condemn many when it's just a few. Based on percentages.
... Because ALL of them racing into the country ARE ILLEGAL.

And Joe Biden is DISGUSTING! ...

### Salty
bambino's Avatar

Voting for Bribes is like eating a turd. Disgusting