From her kitchen to SNL glory...

DNinja69's Avatar

Sometimes enough it just too much
Katie Britt is an absolute disgrace to smart, accomplished women everywhere. Singlehandedly attempting to drag women back 75 years to when they had to ask permission to leave the kitchen. What a fucking embarrassment. But, right on brand for trump's GOP.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Young. Smart. Accomplished. Hot AF.

Yes please, I’ll take 2.
DNinja69's Avatar
Smart takes many forms. She may have earned herself consideration for a spot on the Trump train which is likely the main inspiration for taking on the rebuttal. I sure hope she can fake an orgasm better than empathy or concern.

Seems the sex trafficking case she referenced may have actually taken place during the last Bush administration. Oof

Her comments on deportations were also not quite truthful but its the thought that counts. Illegal immigration is a serious issue in need of much more attention.

There are plenty of things the Biden administration gets low scores on without the spin and I was hoping to see a rebuttal that would inspire voters to reconsider another 4 years of this but I don't feel Katie came anywhere near close to that goal.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I didn’t watch her or the old man’s speech because neither of them matter. I’ve got better things to spend a few hours on that are far more exciting, like watching paint dry.
DNinja69's Avatar
Seems to matter on some level she is worth a watch even just a couple minutes of Creepy Katie's Kitchen will leave a lasting impression.

It will be interesting to see what Trump has to say about it if he mentions her at all.
Young. Smart. Accomplished. Hot AF.

Yes please, I’ll take 2. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Come on man. I’d say we would probably agree someone like Broebert is a hot little thing but this chick cashed in her hotness with this corny ass awkward display.
Never saw this lady before but man this was bad.
berryberry's Avatar
Young. Smart. Accomplished. Hot AF.

Yes please, I’ll take 2. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Indeed. You can tell how effective she was in her message to America and in particular to her target audience, moms in her age range when the leftists continue to attack her for no reason

It really exposes the leftists fear about how effective her rebuttal was with women
DNinja69's Avatar

“Parody-Level Terrible”: Even Republicans Are Panning Katie Britt’s Creepy-as-F**k State of the Union Response

Of course Trump supports can't hear this because any elected Republican who openly supports him is automatically right and those looking for facts are by definition wrong.

Biden is what 81 now so his foggy memory and struggle to grasp current realities for Americans at least makes sense given his age and current stress levels. Kreepy Katie is half his age and is just as out of touch what is her excuse?
Not to mention, most everything Katie Britt said were lies. While her "immigrant sex trafficking" story did actually happen, it happened in 2005, under Bush. Then she tried to blame it on Biden. Because of course she did.

That's her job: lie through her teeth and surrender every ounce of self respect to dear leader.

trump's GOP is 100% confident that exactly zero of their voters will check to see if what they're saying is true or not.
eyecu2's Avatar
Katie B breathily >

" we.....are.....hearing.......y ou......and.....we....Don't...!"
"This....raping....and stuff...cannot happen.. IN ..These....United States..........of.....America "
"Joe.....Biden.....and .....his .....border ...polices....are ruining......America"

OF course it happened almost 20 yrs ago... but it sounded good on paper. Was likely practiced in front of 20 or 30 other GOP members coaching her. She then laid a turd on a TV.
There needs to be internal sanctions against a member of congress who expressly lies, by omission or by outright flagrant misrepresentation of facts. Fuck the alternative facts group too! They have sowed more seeds of doubt in politics letting people think that facts are interpretable vs. FACTUAL. Fucking assholes---on either party too.

This is why nobody trusts politicians. ON BOTH SIDES.