She has come a long way since Inside Edition

DNinja69's Avatar

Outside of her continued commentary that taxpayers need to pay her pops-in-law legal expenses I have not heard Lara Trump say much that I would take issue with so far.

Here a Trump...there a Trump... everywhere.. Oof

except the White House
eyecu2's Avatar
It's just another ruse- to have intimate interest from the TRUMP dynasty- be involved (hand out, or hand in the till) in order for them to act like there isn't impartiality- but in reality, they are there to look after the family dynasty, and protecting Trump pocket books.

I really don't know how anyone thinks that LARA TRUMP, isn't compromised AS she is a staunch supporter of her Pops - that her nepotism won't be a factor.

What a fucking joke- she's gonna be looking the efforts of only 1 PERSON, who is critical to keeping Pop-Pop out of prison; Trump himself and that's the only one that the GOP really cares about! It's odd if anyone thinks its about more than TRUMP only. It's a focus of one ....and they don't give a shit outside of that- The house will fall back to the DEMS and the Senate will also, once all the financial support will be under a fat orange bastard, vs. those who are in literally knife fights in their jurisdictions.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Lara Trump is a staunch supporter of her father, who happens to be the party’s nominee. OMFG! Scandalous! Probably Gavin Newsom would’ve been a better choice.

I’m no longer mystified why the grocery store is out of tinfoil.
DNinja69's Avatar
Good thing you stocked up already!

Any thoughts on the sudden (publicly anyway) shift on voting alternatives outside of same day in person now being touted as the bestest most awesome ways to get votes from Republicans?