Hur: We Have Recordings of Biden Improperly Sharing Classified Information

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
and why wasn't Joey changed????

it's obvious isn't it?

Hur: We Have Recordings of Biden Improperly Sharing Classified Information

Speaking during testimony on Capitol Hill Tuesday, former Special Counsel Robert Hur confirmed that as a private citizen, former Vice President Joe Biden shared classified information with his ghostwriter Mark Zwonitzer. In fact, there are recordings of Biden doing so and Zwonitzer didn't have a security clearance.

the book deal was worth a reported 8 million advance .. is that all it took for Benedict Biden to sell out?

Biden went on to make at least $8 million on the book for which he shared the classified information. Hur's report, released in February, also confirmed this detail.

"Inside the Mark Z folder was the final book proposal for Promise Me, Dad. Mr. Biden used this proposal to shop his book to potential publishers, and this bidding process resulted in a book contract netting Mr. Biden an advance of $8 million. Biden's assistant identified the handwriting on this folder as Mr. Biden's. The date on the folder indicates that Mr. Biden created it at or around the same time he met with Zwonitzer on February 16, 2017, and said he had just found classified documents. The folder was at some point placed in the same box as the marked classified documents about Afghanistan," the report states.

Further, Zwonitzer tried to destroy evidence of Biden sharing the information by attempting to delete it from his computer. Neither Biden or Zwonitzer have been charged with obstruction.

This is a fact President Joe Biden indignantly denied during remarks at the White House in February, claiming he "did not share classified information with my ghostwriter."
winn dixie's Avatar
Is this the newest gotcha magas gonna hang they hat on?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this the newest gotcha magas gonna hang they hat on? Originally Posted by winn dixie
No. it's news of Benedict Biden

from the DOJ

fake news anyone?


Jacuzzme's Avatar
Is this the newest gotcha magas gonna hang they hat on? Originally Posted by winn dixie
I think it is. Lol.

Anything to deflect from their favorite criminal.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Is this the newest gotcha magas gonna hang they hat on? Originally Posted by winn dixie
I think it is. Lol.

Anything to deflect from their favorite criminal. Originally Posted by tommy156

if you say so
DNinja69's Avatar
All the shit Biden and his clan have gotten away with so far imagine what more ambitious and capable high ranking people are doing under the cloak of government.

It's sort of like seeing the skinny kid with gap teeth dating the prom queen. You know its happening but it just don't add up
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Biden sold out the US for $8 million

This is the most corrupt, criminal and disgusting family ever to set foot in DC
berryberry's Avatar
The Hur report is incredibly damning to both Joe Biden and DOJ. For Biden it exposes purposeful, illegal retention and dissemination of classified materials which contained information important to national security. For DOJ it exposes their hypocrisy and protection of one side.
berryberry's Avatar
MATT GAETZ: Joe Biden said, "I guarantee I did not share classified information." That's not true, is it?

HUR: "That is inconsistent with the findings."

MATT GAETZ: Joe Biden said, "All the classified documents were in lockable filing cabinets." That's not true, is it?

HUR: "That was inconsistent with the findings of our investigation."

MATT GAETZ: "Among the places Mr. Biden's lawyers found classified documents in the garage was a damaged open box."
berryberry's Avatar
Senile Bidens brain is mush

addition to not knowing what to call a fax machine, Biden had to be told what poster board was during his DOJ special counsel interview.

During one portion, he goes from telling Hur he’s an architect, to being told what poster board is, to talking about Mongolia, to claiming he was Robin Hood with a bow and arrow, all in response to a question about how documents were stored in his home.

“And so they walked over and they had a target with bales of hay a hundred yards away, and these guerillas were, you know, taking shots,” Biden said. “And I think — I don’t know if it was to embarrass me or to make a point, but I get handed the bow and arrow.”
Senile Biden sold out the US for $8 million

This is the most corrupt, criminal and disgusting family ever to set foot in DC Originally Posted by berryberry
This is adorable

DNinja69's Avatar
Former special counsel Robert Hur told the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday that he did not unfairly disparage President Biden when he described the 81-year-old as “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” in a report that concluded he should not face criminal charges for “willfully” retaining and sharing highly classified information.

It makes perfect sense up to 'not face criminal charges' what a joke.

'therefore unfit to hold office' is how that sentence should end.
... No worrys there, lads.

... A NEW Special Prosecutour will be on Next Year.
And THEN the charges will come...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Kinda reminds me of Comey’s presser laying out all of Hillary’s crime’s and at the end said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute her!!!!!!