Nikki Haley getting the 'protest vote' in GA

DNinja69's Avatar

The biggest difference from 2016 to 2020 was not who VOTED for Trump but who did not and it cost him the election.

For sure his tweeter frenzies and tantrums turned a lot of people off and while overall the voter turnout in 2020 was HUGE it did not swing his way like we saw in 2016.

Georgie again showed he is going to struggle getting enough gravy on his taters to beat ole Joe in November.

Having a solid base is not enough. We will see if he adapts and works to overcome this reality or brings more of the same. Either way Trump does not have the support he needs to ensure a W come November. Not right now
DNinja69's Avatar
If ya got time to cast a 1 star vote but don't have a rebuttal then the truth must sting a bit. Nikki Haley has some say in how 2024 goes down and while I believe in the end she will support her party and ask for voters to show up and select Republican I don't think those disjointed about another Trump campaign are going to be that easily swayed.

The biggest difference from 2016 to 2020 was not who VOTED for Trump but who did not and it cost him the election.

For sure his tweeter frenzies and tantrums turned a lot of people off and while overall the voter turnout in 2020 was HUGE it did not swing his way like we saw in 2016.

Georgie again showed he is going to struggle getting enough gravy on his taters to beat ole Joe in November.

Having a solid base is not enough. We will see if he adapts and works to overcome this reality or brings more of the same. Either way Trump does not have the support he needs to ensure a W come November. Not right now Originally Posted by DNinja69

I’m one of them who voted for him in 2016 and didn’t in 2020. Seems like any time he might make a little headway(mainly due to Bidens mistakes) he reminds us how big of a joke he can be.