(Staff edit) Ever hear of her? Didn’t think so.

A white girl who attends a 98% black school had her head repeatedly bashed into concrete by a significantly bigger black girl. There’s a video and it’s sickening. Kaylee is now fighting for her life in ICU with brain damage.
Now please switch this around. Black girl receives the same treatment at a 98% white school.
Where’s the national media outrage, whipping America into a frenzy?
The media double standard is real and an absolute double standard.
chizzy's Avatar
A white girl who attends a 98% black school had her head repeatedly bashed into concrete by a significantly bigger black girl. There’s a video and it’s sickening. Kaylee is now fighting for her life in ICU with brain damage.
Now please switch this around. Black girl receives the same treatment at a 98% white school.
Where’s the national media outrage, whipping America into a frenzy?
The media double standard is real and an absolute double standard. Originally Posted by Charley3
yes there is a double standard by the media...im not going to say anymore because the liberal lefties here will spew their "hes racist" bullshit.

fuck woke, fuck anything that promotes special treatment because of skin color or gender or who you like to fuck

we all bleed red, noone needs special treatment.
DNinja69's Avatar
Her GoFundMe is over $200k so she ain't hiding under a rock.

Considering her age this post will likely be closed asap but let me ask for anyone 'outraged' by the racial component that inspired the OP do you have POC in your close circle? Family? Friends? It sure don't seem like it the way some people talk. Just sayin
yes there is a double standard by the media...im not going to say anymore because the liberal lefties here will spew their "hes racist" bullshit.

fuck woke, fuck anything that promotes special treatment because of skin color or gender or who you like to fuck

we all bleed red, noone needs special treatment. Originally Posted by chizzy
Yes they will. See above.

And to those that can’t think, I’m not saying this deserves MORE coverage, I’m saying the constant non stop coverage of white on black crime in order to anger black Americans and sell advertising is flat out wrong!

It’s as divisive as anything going on in this country. Possibly the most divisive.
DNinja69's Avatar
And I ask again any close friends you talk to about these types of issues actually POC?

Yes the media focuses on on type of story and not everything is racial but are we really pretending its apples and apples today?

If so you definitely ain't talking to enough people about what still goes on daily.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
You don’t need black friends to spot media manipulation.

That beating was emblematic of many. A couple districts west of our place has had several similar, one actually in the freaking office. Boys (hardy ever girls like so many today) fought all the time when I was in school, typical peacocking for the girls, but you didn’t try to kill the person like these savages. Giving your opponent a black eye or bloody nose was more than enough to prove your mettle.
rmg_35's Avatar
More racist bullshit from maga morons.
chizzy's Avatar
More racist bullshit from maga morons. Originally Posted by rmg_35
pathetic but expected...........
bambino's Avatar
Videos of this beating were all over Telegram. Disgusting to watch.
DNinja69's Avatar
Ok so vicious altercations involving high schoolers was invented recently?

Some people must live a sheltered life but all good since the door is open to talk about race and media coverage let me leave something for consideration:

(Staff edit - Link removed)

But the media creates this right? Not racist d-bags? If mainstream media outlets just reported things fairly then POC would not feel the way that they do?

Cool. Problem solved
A white girl who attends a 98% black school had her head repeatedly bashed into concrete by a significantly bigger black girl. There’s a video and it’s sickening. Kaylee is now fighting for her life in ICU with brain damage.
Now please switch this around. Black girl receives the same treatment at a 98% white school.
Where’s the national media outrage, whipping America into a frenzy?
The media double standard is real and an absolute double standard. Originally Posted by Charley3
... Honest and Fair-minded attempt by You to make a point, Char.
Glad that you did - and you made yer point.
No matter what the nay-sayers say.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Ok so vicious altercations involving high schoolers was invented recently?

Some people must live a sheltered life but all good since the door is open to talk about race and media coverage let me leave something for consideration:

(Staff edit - Link removed)

But the media creates this right? Not racist d-bags? If mainstream media outlets just reported things fairly then POC would not feel the way that they do?

Cool. Problem solved Originally Posted by DNinja69
I’m pretty confident that I’ve seen and been involved with some pretty physical events growing up Cowboy (Ninja). But never seen females get this violent. Somethings wrong nowadays. But keep spinning cowpoke.
More racist bullshit from maga morons. Originally Posted by rmg_35
I’m not MAGA. Hate Trump and pretty moderate actually.

But ok.

And to the “do I have black friends”. Yes….and all of them would consider this a savage, despicable act.
Dr-epg's Avatar
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.

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