As suggested by Vitaman, Salty and Biomed, here's a thread to debate the Good, Evil and Politics of abortion. Vitaman's excellent thread was limited to the Arizona Supreme Court decision.
You could address the following,
1. Is abortion murder? Why or why not?
2. Should government regulate abortion? If so, how? Where do you draw the line? No contraception? No Plan B (morning after pill)? Limit abortion to the first 6 weeks? 15 weeks? 24 weeks? Not at all?
3. Should bans allow exceptions for rape? Incest? Health of the mother? Fetuses that will have birth defects?
4. Should abortion laws be set at the local, state, or federal level? Or a combination? Was the Dobbs decision that invalidated Roe vs. Wade and returned the decision making to the states good or bad?
5. Should states or municipalities have referenda to determine whether abortion will be banned or restricted? Or should this be left up to the legislatures?
6. What effect do restrictions on abortion have on electoral politics? Do Republicans stand to lose or gain more votes by favoring restrictions on abortion?