Shady Greedy Studio Business Practices

Was wondering if ya'll have dealt with any shady, greedy, absurd, illogical, completely cut throat business oriented practices recently at the studios.

I'll start. When your tire bursts in the middle of the highway going 70 mph and you immediately let the booker know instead of calling roadside assistance and their immediate reply instead of inquiring if you're okay is to say you owe them a full hour cancellation fee or have the ability to still Uber to the session and abandon your vehicle. They all greedy af.
lol whatever. I actually had a blowout on my way to see Green. 25 mins before appointment. Booker said no problem.
Everyone here knows your hatred towards that studio because you’re banned from them. What was the point of your name change? If you’re only going to act the same.
Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
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1)oh you poor man!
2)You can afford to visit studios but can't afford and uber ride?
3) man up and change a tire. With pussy waiting I would pit like I was in. NASCAR.
4) what? A studio putting money first? Oh my stars!
Actually, maybe uber to the visit to begin with isn't a bad idea. One less thing to worry about
Cancellation fee is wild. I’ve never had a studio ask for that..

What about all those times they bait us with fake pics. We don’t go asking for a refund
Cancellation fee is wild. I’ve never had a studio ask for that..

What about all those times they bait us with fake pics. We don’t go asking for a refund Originally Posted by LoneStar41
I’d assume that it’s a likely trend with the individual that they make appointments then back out or something similar..
Was wondering if ya'll have dealt with any shady, greedy, absurd, illogical, completely cut throat business oriented practices recently at the studios.

I'll start. When your tire bursts in the middle of the highway going 70 mph and you immediately let the booker know instead of calling roadside assistance and their immediate reply instead of inquiring if you're okay is to say you owe them a full hour cancellation fee or have the ability to still Uber to the session and abandon your vehicle. They all greedy af. Originally Posted by TheTopG655
They know you pretty well and respond accordingly.
They know you pretty well and respond accordingly. Originally Posted by janusinstereo
This. I'm barely on here, and I know all about this Dude. I don't buy his story for a milisecond.
Seriously ? This story is the funniest i ever read on eccie. Hats off to the booker, if you fell for that scam.

Sometimes they can smell a younger, naive sucker from miles away, especially if they got him hooked. Hooker rule #1: Don't get hooked!

How can a BS fee be charged without any leverage? They have no other leverage ( hopefully) than to BL the guy with future refusal to book another session. So what ? move on to the next fucking option.
  • locks
  • 04-20-2024, 04:42 AM
I can see this happening if you are a frequent no show, i have had car issues before and all i got was " ok no problem"

They understand that chit happens and you cant helpt it.

Goes both ways, when one appt cancelled due to lady not feeling well.

But if you have frequent no shows in the same quarter then you have only yourself to blame.
My best solution would be uber to there hit it then uber to your car and change the damn tire. Booker aint ever getting a cancellation fee from me and I never heard one that does it anyways lmao
HenrySwanson's Avatar
I think we are due for another round of price increase soon. One studio just texted me there new rates and it's all because of BK (anyone reading this knows that is the studio the OP's subject matter is about). That fucking studio is ruining it for the others and the rest of us with their higher rate girls and tack on upcharges. As long as you guys keep playing along like "It's just 20 buck" it's gonna turn into "just 100 bucks" soon enough and the k/j-girls are going to be the same price as the Brazilians.

As Angry Joe likes to say, "You done fucked it up!"
I can see this happening if you are a frequent no show, i have had car issues before and all i got was " ok no problem"

They understand that chit happens and you cant helpt it.

Goes both ways, when one appt cancelled due to lady not feeling well.

But if you have frequent no shows in the same quarter then you have only yourself to blame. Originally Posted by locks
Stressfree1's Avatar
shady, greedy, absurd, illogical, completely cut throat Originally Posted by TheTopG655
Young fella, you have a history of coming on here complaining that you are treated unfairly by the Studios/Amps. If you feel this way, why do you continue to patronize any business that does that to you? Don't go and don't give them your money. I'm sure you'll say that we should expect great Service and yes we should, but obviously something is different for you. Have you tried going the SC, SW or Indy route? The guys in those forums seem to have success at a reasonable price.
I think we are due for another round of price increase soon. One studio just texted me there new rates and it's all because of BK (anyone reading this knows that is the studio the OP's subject matter is about). That fucking studio is ruining it for the others and the rest of us with their higher rate girls and tack on upcharges. As long as you guys keep playing along like "It's just 20 buck" it's gonna turn into "just 100 bucks" soon enough and the k/j-girls are going to be the same price as the Brazilians.

As Angry Joe likes to say, "You done fucked it up!" Originally Posted by HenrySwanson
Nothing will change some of these guys minds.. they always think the next one will be better, etc.. that is why all these guys keep going even in fhe middle of an on going investigation that has seen mongers busted and contacted.. we have heard reports of suspect individuals and cars at these locations and yet the meatheads keep going. If the meatheads took off 4-5 weeks, and allowed the situation to “cool” off some then maybe we could and would prices go back to where they were.

I’m not calling for a boycott or anything but if there was ever a time for meatheads to wise up for their own good, this would be the best time… not just for their pocket books, but also for the eyes that are looking get bored and go else where.