What is a "fair" tax?

Just curious as to what most would percieve as a fair tax rate overall
What percent of Americans should pay INCOME TAX?

How do you define wealthy? It if you make 200,000, 250,000, 500,000 or 1 million dollars or more in net income per year?

What is the maximim percent that would be fair to pay in INCOME TAX COMBINED WITH SELF EMPLOYMENT OR PAYROLL TAXES AND SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES. Is it 30%, 40%, 50% or more?

Currently the "official" definition of wealthy seems to be 250,000 per year in net income. I personally don't think that makes you wealthy, maybe well off, maybe upper middle income but not wealthy.

I feel that no matter what you make per year, paying more than 50% of your income (income tax + self employment taxes/SS taxes) is about as high as it should go.

What do you think of Cains 9-9-9 tax proposal (that is 9% income tax, 9% national sales tax, 9% corparate/business tax)? He claims that combination would raise as much mony or more than the current tax system. Pretty much all loop holes would be eliminated under his plan.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Just curious as to what most would percieve as a fair tax rate overall
What percent of Americans should pay INCOME TAX?

How do you define wealthy? It if you make 200,000, 250,000, 500,000 or 1 million dollars or more in net income per year?

What is the maximim percent that would be fair to pay in INCOME TAX COMBINED WITH SELF EMPLOYMENT OR PAYROLL TAXES AND SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES. Is it 30%, 40%, 50% or more?

. Originally Posted by Jdriller
What is the record here for consecutive questions?

I don't know what you call rich. It is different depending where you live.
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  • 09-24-2011, 12:40 PM
JCurrently the "official" definition of wealthy seems to be 250,000 per year in net income. I personally don't think that makes you wealthy, maybe well off, maybe upper middle income but not wealthy. Originally Posted by Jdriller
Being in the top 2% makes you upper middle? Seriously?
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Being in the top 2% makes you upper middle? Seriously? Originally Posted by Doove

Maybe not in Buffalo but in San Antonio it is.
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  • 09-24-2011, 01:50 PM
Maybe not in Buffalo but in San Antonio it is. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
I'm betting that's a lie. Any takers?
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I'm betting that's a lie. Any takers? Originally Posted by Doove
You sure like to throw that word around alot. My sentence started with "Maybe". I guess anyone can check that "are you over 18" box and post on here.

If you read my earlier post I said that being rich depends on where you live. I know nothing about the level prosperity in Buffalo. I have observed however that the folks from Buffalo are tight, like to hang out together, drink beer and they love their Bills...Oh,,and OJ is innocent. I do know a little more about San Antonio. That's why I said "maybe"....Dooooooove.

If one lived in a more affluent neighborhood such as NYC then 250k a year might be looked at as middle to lower middle class.

If one lived in Arkansas and if you own your own double wide you might be considered rich.

It all depends on your prospective.
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  • 09-24-2011, 03:16 PM
Maybe not in Buffalo but in San Antonio it is. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You sure like to throw that word around alot. My sentence started with "Maybe". I guess anyone can check that "are you over 18" box and post on here. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Really? That's your defense that you're not making shit up?

"...but in San Antonio it is" sounds pretty declarative to me.

If you read my earlier post I said that being rich depends on where you live.
So? We're now talking about what constitutes "upper middle class". Being in the top 2% is not "upper middle class" whether you're in Buffalo or San Antonio. So you lied.

If one lived in a more affluent neighborhood such as NYC then 250k a year might be looked at as middle to lower middle class.
Now it depends on what neighborhood you live in? So if someone makes, say, $8M/yr, but lives in a neighborhood where everyone else makes even more than that, she's considered poor? Are you kidding me with this?

If one lived in Arkansas and if you own your own double wide you might be considered rich.
Oh brother. I'm not sure which speaks less of you - your lie, or the stupidity in your trying to defend it.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Oh brother. I'm not sure which speaks less of you - your lie, or the stupidity in your trying to defend it. Originally Posted by Doove
LMFAO! I don't need to defend anything to you.

You're total moron.

Go Bills!
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  • Doove
  • 09-24-2011, 03:31 PM
LMFAO! I don't need to defend anything to you. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
Then what was the reason for post #6?

You're total moron.
Coming from you, that's a compliment. Thank you!
I live in Texas. On the East Side of Houston.

The East Side is the industrial side; the ship channel, the refinerys, the chemical plants, etc. Residential property values on the East Side, when comparing square foot to square foot, will run less than an equal property on the west southwest, or northwest area.

In other words, my house, which is about 3000 square feet, would net about $70 a square foot, or about $210,000. Lift my house up, and place it in Cinco Ranch on the far West Side, it's a $300,000 house. Put it in Sugarland, (southeast side), it might top $400,000.

Take the same house, and place it in San Fancisco, and I would suspect it would top a million.

I have friends all over the Country, and while there are cheaper places to live than Texas, there are very few places that offer the combination of high earning potential and low cost of living.

As for who is rich, and who is not, yes, I do believe that the upper 2 percent income that I am in, (by the Presidents own definition), does allow me a much greater purchasing power where I live as opposed to locations such as the North East or West Coast.

If you make $250,000+ down here in Houston, you can live pretty damned good.
But, if you make 250,000 and taxes take 50% leaving you with 125,000 are you still wealthy?
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  • 09-24-2011, 06:57 PM
Until you define your terms, such as "rich", it's impossible to call much of anything a lie.

Most folks do think of themselves as not-rich; rich is someone who makes double what they make.
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  • 09-24-2011, 07:00 PM
But, if you make 250,000 and taxes take 50% leaving you with 125,000 are you still wealthy? Originally Posted by Jdriller
IDK but if you haven't noticed , the good ole USofA is behind on paying its bills.

Maybe from now on you will pay more attention to deficits. Dick Cheney said deficits do not matter and folks like you believed him. It is now time to pay the piper. Time for all the Bush tax cuts to expire, cut spending and take a hard look at Medicade.
Doove does not exist when you put him on ignore. LOL. I don't either.
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In a zero sum game, the definition of "fair" is more for me, less for you. In a positive sum game, the definition of "fair" is more for me, none for you. In a negative sum game, the definition of fair is more for me, a lot less for you.

So, what is "fair"?