Iran President flies into mountain, makes LOUD BOOOOM

CG2014's Avatar
Good news and bad news.

Good news:

He and a couple of his cabinet members are tort/kaput when the helicopter they were in crashed.

Bad news:

Another ignorant retard will just take his place and he could be more fanatic and crazy about "death to the West, death to America, death to America's ally Israel, women have no rights, Allah/Islam/Sharia Law/being Muslim are the only law and religion on earth" than his predecessor was.

I hope they are in hell being punished for crimes against women and humanity by 72 virgins who will beat and torture them for eternity.
Too bad that plane carrying his $400 million in cash didn't crash. $100 million per hostage? No wonder October 7 played out like it did.
CG2014's Avatar
Obama is a Muslim who is destroying the USA until there's only 2 classes left:

The 1% wealthy and the 99% poor who will have no choice but to suck the government teat just to eat and survive each day.

Obama and Soros are the one running the Biden administration and financing all those millions of illegals to enter the southern border.

Those caravan after caravan of people walked 1000s of miles to our southern borders and they look rested, bathed, wearing clean clothes, carrying $1000 smart phones.


I dare any of you to just go outside in Dallas hot summer weather and walk 5 hours and tell me what you look like after that.

Then there's signage at airports and shelters and hotels where illegal migrants are told they would be flown to anywhere they want, just inform an officer.

Who do you think is paying for those flights??? Soros is!!

To take an army and move them around the country to place them strategically for the upcoming election to make sure democrats retain the White House.

If you look at online videos, most of the illegal aliens stop at the border are young fighting age men from middle east, China, South America.

We are being invaded.

Also all those pro-Palestine protesters everywhere across the USA blocking traffic and roads, taking over universities and colleges.

Not only are they too organized to be just one time spur of the moment fly by night group of people who suddenly decided to band together in protest, they all carrying identical signage and banners no matter what part of the country they are protesting at.

Also there are reports 100s and 100s of those pro Palestine protesters that were arrested at the colleges and universities were not even college and university students . They were adults and many of them already have records of being arrested before at BLM protests.

All organized and financed by Soros.

Only reason why congress wants to ban Tik Tok. All that is shown on Tik Tok in videos taken by regular citizens.

You don't see any of it on the mainstream media.

Banning Tik Tok will allow the government to control information .

You control the information then you can control the people.

Nazi Germany, Communist former Soviet Union, Mao's China, current North Korea, all started by controlling information, arresting the part of the population they considers a threat (in the USA right now Democrats and Biden are saying it's whites and Trump supporters are domestic threat and domestic terrorists) and disarming the population (hence all the new unconstitutional gun control laws Biden is pushing for).
Wiesbadenwillie's Avatar
this "crash" indifferent than a flight carrying the sec of Army during a deployment back in the 90's. What did he know?
luv2luv's Avatar
If it weren't for conspiracy theory, you boys wouldn't get able to get out of bed in the morning. I seriously pity you. But keep it up. I need the laughs.
ManSlut's Avatar
Why did the QAnon OP hijack his own thread?…Should I RTM that shit?!!…Lmao

Too bad Trumpy & Dopey (Biden) both couldn’t have been on the Iranians helicopter, too!
CG2014's Avatar
I'm not QAnon. I'm American and I voted Republican in every election local, county, state, federal I voted for and I'm proud of it.

The last good Democratic President was JFK.
Soccerjunky's Avatar
"Also there are reports 100s and 100s of those pro Palestine protesters that were arrested at the colleges and universities were not even college and university students . They were adults and many of them already have records of being arrested before at BLM protests.

All organized and financed by Soros."

I would find it more than a bit strange if George Soros (who, mind you, is Jewish) was funding, organizing, supporting or condoning pro-Palestinian and antisemitic protests on campuses or anywhere.

We're all free to disagree with Soros's politics if we choose, but if you want to blame him, blame him for something he actually did.

That said, I won't shed any tears over the death of an extremist cleric who oppresses and cracks down on the freedoms of his own people (or anyone else). But please do remember that there are numerous, well-educated, urbane Iranian Shiites who despise and bridle at the repressive religious regime they've been saddled with since the "Iranian Revolution" in 1979, and who would love to be liberated from the Iyatollas so they could live as they please, and not suffer the humiliations or beatings (or sometimes worse - murder) of their moms, wives, sisters or daughters merely for the crime of showing their hair in public. We should all line up against extremism in all of its forms; the Iranian form is particularly pernicious.
The original storyline (book, short story) for the movie Red Dawn revolved around a slow invasion of the US by soldiers posing as immigrants. Then they attacked after an EMP strike. Scary shit.
Dr-epg's Avatar
Gentlemen let’s get back on the threads original topic please