Being more vocal and talking dirty

I've been accused of being too quiet and not being able to talk dirty. I guess this is an acquired talent because I missed that class. I might be too much of an analytical thinker or too ADD to concentrate on multiple things at once. Has anyone overcome this issue before? Looking for thoughts or tutelage...
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
Are you talking about RW experiences or in the hobby ?
I've only met one lady in RW that wanted me to talk dirty to her (call her a slut, etc).
I've also found very few in the hobby that are into it. Even when I ask they say they can't/don't know how/feel uncomfortable.
Let me know where you're finding these ladies.
Watch some porn so you can get some practice.
Cendell M's Avatar
I feel you , I’m not a good dirty talker I’m to shy
RW, I'm using the hobby to practice. Much more forgiving in here...
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I'll will forgive you if you don't make me cum .lol

I dirty talk and I don't think about it and I just go with a open mind and tell you how I want you to F**k me or DATY or other dirty little things!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
If you want to date a cowgirl, learn ....
In the barn,
Out on the range,
In the corral,
In the hay loft,
In the truck,
In the trailer
In the house,
And,... BCD
How else will you understand what she's telling you to do.
BigTex6's Avatar
Just personally…I like it. I think getting verbal cues that you partner is having a good time or the ones you give to them can be quite the turn on.

I would suspect, but I’m curious on the provider side, I would imagine one might err on the side of being quiet —-unless it came up first because of the possibility your partner might not like it? I always try to tell a companion feel free to be yourself.

I tend to be very upfront about stuff before a session especially as I get to know someone on the second or third session so that we can both find out what we do and don’t like…
I don’t know there’s something about when someone starts making noise.

Recently, I had an experience in an afternoon at a biz hotel near the galleria. My companion was screaming at the top of her lungs during some activities ….. I kept going and going and I thought for sure someone’s going to call security!

Luckily that hotel floor was pretty deserted at four in the afternoon….. So I’ve learned my lesson to ask beforehand!

Very good question by the way OP
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 05-25-2024, 10:26 AM
I always try to tell a companion feel free to be yourself
Originally Posted by BigTex6
the correct answer!!!
Michael8219's Avatar
Ok I tried it this week with a new gal:

“Oh baby! You are so grimy, dusty, sooty, smutty, mucky, muddy, filthy, slimy, scummy, cruddy, yucky, grungy, shitty, poopy, and crappy! You really need to take a shower!

Even Pitroom wouldn’t scoop the crap off of you. Oh baby!”

She was not amused.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 05-25-2024, 12:27 PM
^Mask is falling, talking to yourself in third person's persona aka Pitfall
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I've forgotten how many of his personalities I sent off.
But, back to this thread....

Does saying something like:
Push button 19 now
count as dirty talk?
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Nothing like fake moaning to make someone think he's doing a good job LOL
Michael8219's Avatar
My moaning is never fake - it is either pleasure or pain or a little bit of both
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-26-2024, 04:58 PM
Dirty talk = Happy ending.
Dorian Gray's Avatar

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: Words are over rated. Be like Thumper :