Another Senile Biden lie - he is sending the IRS after the little guys

berryberry's Avatar
The Wall Street Journal reports that 63% of new IRS audits 'targeted taxpayers with income of less than $200,000' and that 'only a small overall share reached the very highest earners'
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Link? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
... Try - The Wall Street ...

#### Salty
So 37% of audits went to the small amount of people making over $200k. What’s that? About 8-10% of the population getting 37% of the audits?
berryberry's Avatar
Again, Senile Biden flat out lied . He said these audits would not target lower income earners under $400,000 and he has lied repeatedly about not increasing taxes on those earning under $400,000

The facts are in - 63% of new IRS audits 'targeted taxpayers with income of less than $200,000
Biden’s IRS is going to require servers pay tax on dinner receipts, no more cash tips excepted.
I draw a line through the tip portion and pay tip in cash so the server doesn’t have to pay tax on the tip.
You can Thank the phony Uncle Joe and his new 87,000 additional IRS agents for this.
Actually you can thank Ronald Regan for this.
He started this in the early eighties.

Biden’s IRS is going to require servers pay tax on dinner receipts, no more cash tips excepted.
I draw a line through the tip portion and pay tip in cash so the server doesn’t have to pay tax on the tip.
You can Thank the phony Uncle Joe and his new 87,000 additional IRS agents for this. Originally Posted by Chase7
Yssup Rider's Avatar
I guess it's not enough of a story to reference.

Thanks for confirming.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
I guess it's not enough of a story to reference.

Thanks for confirming. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

if you say so

meanwhile at the WSJ ...

IRS’s Most Wanted: The $200,000 Man
Sixty-three percent of new audits last year were aimed at middle-class filers.

thank you valued poster
The Wall Street Journal reports that 63% of new IRS audits 'targeted taxpayers with income of less than $200,000' and that 'only a small overall share reached the very highest earners' Originally Posted by berryberry
Are you kidding? This is GREAT news. It looks unlikely that I'll be audited.

Can you tell me what's wrong with auditing folks that make < $200K per year? They don't cheat on their taxes?
Biden’s IRS is going to require servers pay tax on dinner receipts, no more cash tips excepted.
I draw a line through the tip portion and pay tip in cash so the server doesn’t have to pay tax on the tip.
You can Thank the phony Uncle Joe and his new 87,000 additional IRS agents for this. Originally Posted by Chase7
Where the fuck do you eat that you feel you must white knight up and protect the server from paying taxes? Waffle House?

Most servers I know are making fucking bank. They can pay taxes like everyone else.
chizzy's Avatar
Are you kidding? This is GREAT news. It looks unlikely that I'll be audited.

Can you tell me what's wrong with auditing folks that make < $200K per year? They don't cheat on their taxes? Originally Posted by Diligaf
nothing wrong with it except as always, they lied out of their ass
how many times did they say these additional 80k hires will NOT be increasing the audits of those making less than 400k

You have been lied to so much,you seem to just accept the fucking goverment and whatever they spew........
bambino's Avatar
So 37% of audits went to the small amount of people making over $200k. What’s that? About 8-10% of the population getting 37% of the audits? Originally Posted by Mistershark
So they deserve it? Because they have worked hard and are smart enough to be successful? Of course the IRS is going after them. They’re not interested in people who don’t have 2 nickels to rub together. They need to fleece successful people to pay for illegal immigrant’s benefits. How’s that fair?

Besides, a couple EARNING 200k a year are not wealthy these days. It’s not the 1960’s.
nothing wrong with it except as always, they lied out of their ass
how many times did they say these additional 80k hires will NOT be increasing the audits of those making less than 400k

You have been lied to so much,you seem to just accept the fucking goverment and whatever they spew........ Originally Posted by chizzy
You say that with a straight face? trump lied about 14 times a day when he was POTUS, and he's stepped on the gas since he was tossed out. Where's that new healthcare plan again?

Personally, why should I care who they decide to audit? I know it's obvious, but it's pretty clear you and your buddies are always just looking for something to be pissed off about.'s "goverNment. You should learn to spell the things you dislike.
bambino's Avatar
You say that with a straight face? trump lied about 14 times a day when he was POTUS, and he's stepped on the gas since he was tossed out. Where's that new healthcare plan again?

Personally, why should I care who they decide to audit? I know it's obvious, but it's pretty clear you and your buddies are always just looking for something to be pissed off about. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Well, here’s the dealio. We’re 35 trillion in debt. Which doesn’t count SS and Medicare. So it’s closer to 200 trillion. Tax collection was never the problem. Tax revenues were plenty. It’s the fucking spending. So, the Commies in our government want to hire 80,000 armed Gestapo agents to harass US citizens. But why should you care?