The Party of One

  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2024, 12:29 PM
Larry Hogan, the Republican candidate for the Senate in Maryland, tweeted this a few days ago, before the Stormy Daniels/Karen McDougal verdict,

Regardless of the result, I urge all Americans to respect the verdict and the legal process. At this dangerously divided moment in our history, all leaders—regardless of party—must not pour fuel on the fire with more toxic partisanship. We must reaffirm what has made this nation great: the rule of law.

At the time he had no idea how the jury would decide.

Now, given the outcome, I personally don't agree with Hogan. I do not respect the verdict or the legal process that came up with it. But still that's a pretty innocuous tweet. And it's probably something Hogan thought would help his candidacy in deep blue Maryland.

Well, the reaction of some of Trump's biggest supporters is over the top. Chris LaCivita, his campaign adviser, said Hogan just ended his campaign. Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC), said Hogan doesn't deserve the respect of any Republican or any American. She declined to say whether the RNC would withhold money from Hogan's campaign.

This is nuts. Larry Hogan may not be the ideal candidate of some Republicans. But would they rather have another Susan Collins in the Senate, or another Elizabeth Warren?

The irony is that if Trump had been acquitted, then LaCivita and Lara Trump would agree 100% with Hogan's tweet. Because Trump was later found guilty, now they're stabbing Hogan in the back.

Sometimes it seems like Trump and his insiders have been on a mission, ever since the Georgia Senate runoffs in 2021, to kneecap Republican candidates running for national office. The primary requisite for running appears to be fealty to Donald Trump. It should be whether the candidate can win the general election.

The Republican Party has become the party of one man, Donald Trump. Sad.
rooster's Avatar
Nicely said.

... The Republican Party surely continues to be the party
of the PEOPLE! ... NOT the party OF one - but people surely
coming together AS ONE! .... ...

... Not onley do we see stalwart Republicans and MAGAS
coming together, but even some Establishment Repubs are
throwing in... And lemme also mention the Latino and
Black voters that have brought Good support!

... Coming together AS ONE! ...

#### Salty
txdot-guy's Avatar
Sometimes it seems like Trump and his insiders have been on a mission, ever since the Georgia Senate runoffs in 2021, to kneecap Republican candidates running for national office. The primary requisite for running appears to be fealty to Donald Trump. It should be whether the candidate can win the general election.

The Republican Party has become the party of one man, Donald Trump. Sad. Originally Posted by Tiny

The old republican party is dead and the new republican party is a zombie eating the brain of its corpse. As more of the old guard leave the party degenerates more and more. GolferGuy called me a rabid liberal but that’s not the whole truth. I voted Bush in 92, and McCain in 2012 both on the strength of their military service. I voted down ballot republican candidates quite a few times but not any more. It’s not me that has changed but rather the republican party. Especially in Texas.
eyecu2's Avatar
Since Carl Rove, and Newt G., the Republicans have been walking down a spiral lacking character and ethics. Add Steve Bannon and now you've got the perfect storm of win at any costs. Add all they needed was a lead person who could be bought or sold, ...
Found themselves the perfect chump.

Trump who used to be a Democrat and railed against close minded Republicans.

All the sudden he sees the power of the office, the scheming from its moral-less architects and syncophants, and would do and say ANYTHING to get elected...and it worked.

I would think that even Trump was surprised at the outcome, but became so drunk on its power of persuasion and ability to line his pockets, he has indeed transformed a party that was lacking identity into his own.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
... The Republican Party surely continues to be the party
of the PEOPLE! ... NOT the party OF one - but people surely
coming together AS ONE! .... ...

... Not onley do we see stalwart Republicans and MAGAS
coming together, but even some Establishment Repubs are
throwing in... And lemme also mention the Latino and
Black voters that have brought Good support!

... Coming together AS ONE! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nice argument Salty. I'll ask you again if you care to put your money where your mouth is.

But Tiny nailed it. Your endless cheerleading confirms it.

There isn't a real Republican left in Congress. Only gutless and nutless MAGA stooges marching lockstep behind the most notorious convict in US History.

Hogan is sensible and reasonable and I agree with him. Had the verdict gone the other way, I still would agree with him.

The big question is how many kicks in the nuts will Trump take before his minions realize there are no nuts there.

The expression "like a man" has never applied to Trump and his obscene narcissism, arrogance and cowardice are at an all time high. If was was smart, he'd ... never mind. He isn't.
  • Tiny
  • 06-02-2024, 04:18 PM
The big question is how many kicks in the nuts will Trump take before his minions realize there are no nuts there. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
I'd phrase that differently Yssup. How many kicks in the nuts will the Republican Party take before it wises up and ditches Trump.
rooster's Avatar
... The Republican Party surely continues to be the party
of the PEOPLE! ... NOT the party OF one - but people surely
coming together AS ONE! .... ...

... Not onley do we see stalwart Republicans and MAGAS
coming together, but even some Establishment Repubs are
throwing in... And lemme also mention the Latino and
Black voters that have brought Good support!

... Coming together AS ONE! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Sieg heil!

Man, you sound straight outta 19-fucking-38...

( are so clueless, and in such denial..)

I'd phrase that differently Yssup. How many kicks in the nuts will the Republican Party take before it wises up and ditches Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
My frustrations exactly...and much better put than I have been able to say..

... The Republican Party surely continues to be the party
of the PEOPLE! ... NOT the party OF one - but people surely
coming together AS ONE! .... ...

... Not onley do we see stalwart Republicans and MAGAS
coming together, but even some Establishment Repubs are
throwing in... And lemme also mention the Latino and
Black voters that have brought Good support!

... Coming together AS ONE! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Nice argument Salty. I'll ask you again if you care to put your money where your mouth is.

But Tiny nailed it. Your endless cheerleading confirms it.

There isn't a real Republican left in Congress. Only gutless and nutless MAGA stooges marching lockstep behind the most notorious convict in US History.

Hogan is sensible and reasonable and I agree with him. Had the verdict gone the other way, I still would agree with him.

The big question is how many kicks in the nuts will Trump take before his minions realize there are no nuts there.

The expression "like a man" has never applied to Trump and his obscene narcissism, arrogance and cowardice are at an all time high. If was was smart, he'd ... never mind. He isn't. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Um...can someone tell me why this Salty poster types like he's an extra on "Our Flag Means Death?" Is this pirate day? Just trying to find out if there's an inside joke going on.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Trump is just a temporary hiccup for the Republican Party IMO. They have to deal with his bullshit now. But when he is irrelevant soon, it will get back to normalcy and the MAGA folks will go right back under the rocks where they crawled out from under and will await anxiously for a Trump copycat for some hope so that their silly gullible assess can worship another conman.

Um...can someone tell me why this Salty poster types like he's an extra on "Our Flag Means Death?" Is this pirate day? Just trying to find out if there's an inside joke going on. Originally Posted by Diligaf
Unfortunately, no. LOL
eyecu2's Avatar
Um...can someone tell me why this Salty poster types like he's an extra on "Our Flag Means Death?" Is this pirate day? Just trying to find out if there's an inside joke going on. Originally Posted by Diligaf's not an INSIDE joke. It's just more of the same rambling of polls & just wait-isms.

Nothing Trump or the GOP does is consequence to a few of the most ardent supporters on team RED. Literally he could shoot anyone for any reason and these folks would be fine with it.

To them, Trump is above the law ....any and EVERY day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Um...can someone tell me why this Salty poster types like he's an extra on "Our Flag Means Death?" Is this pirate day? Just trying to find out if there's an inside joke going on. Originally Posted by Diligaf

It's an Australian pirate, Diligaf. Salty types with an accent, just like all Brits and Aussies do (right?). (did you see "Dodgeball?") Cute, eh?

But he's devoted his life to the MAGA cause no matter how ridiculous the MAGA (Trump) grievance du jour is, even when compassionate, patriotic conservatives balk or refuse.

A confirmation of what VM posted in the OP. A card-carrying member of the Party of One. Soon to be the remains of the Republic Party.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
I'd phrase that differently Yssup. How many kicks in the nuts will the Republican Party take before it wises up and ditches Trump. Originally Posted by Tiny
Also yes, but unless they get their shit together, the party will crumble during the next term, regardless of who wins.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I'm with Chris and Lara on this one.
Imma say: Spades are Spades - calls 'em as ya sees 'em.

Disclaimer: I have no knowledge of the melatonin concentration levels of any of the persons listed in the OP. I simply assume that they expel carbon, at best.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
... Literally he could shoot anyone for any reason and these folks would be fine with it.... Originally Posted by eyecu2
It may be more accurate to say: