Buck Sexton and Clay Travis Reporting…Biden Plagiarized Reagan’s 1984 Speech Word for Word.

I was listening to Clay and Buck just now, and it seems they are the first to report that Joe Biden practically plagiarized Ronald Reagan’s 2984 Speech at Normandy word for word.



I haven’t found a link yet, but they played each sentence of each speech, comparing them.

Biden is a known lier and plagiarizer, but this goes too far.

As soon as a link comes up, I will post it.
  • Tiny
  • 06-07-2024, 12:36 PM
Nothing new here. Biden plagiarized his way through the University of Delaware and law school at Syracuse, but still graduated in the bottom part of his classes. He was a serial plagiarizer of speeches by Neil Kinnock, a British Labour Party leader. In fact, Biden had to withdraw from the 1988 presidential race after plagiarizing Kinnock. He not only "mimicked entire portions of Kinnock's speech" at the Iowa State Fair, but he also "repeated Kinnock's line that he was the first in a thousand generations to graduate from college, gesturing to his wife in the exact same way Kinnock did, while also saying the same line about her education and lineage." Biden had relatives who attended college. In other words, not only was he a plagiarizer, he was a sloppy plagiarizer -- either too lazy or too stupid to strip out Kinnock's line about college.

And who would have thought he would have overcome that and become president at the ripe old age of 78! Isn't America great!

Many of you don't trust media outlets like the NY Times. I know they are biased but not that much in their general news stories. And they seem to be saying he acknowledged Regan's remarks and stated openly he used the speech for inspiration due to how good it was.

Meanwhile the Clay and Buck show seems to be as biased as any show can be. They are the inheritors of Rush right? I caught him in many lies until the day I gave up on him. I have no stomach to listen to these guys. I'm just throwing out there that they may be spinning this or have left out some context.
Many of you don't trust media outlets like the NY Times. I know they are biased but not that much in their general news stories. And they seem to be saying he acknowledged Regan's remarks and stated openly he used the speech for inspiration due to how good it was.

Meanwhile the Clay and Buck show seems to be as biased as any show can be. They are the inheritors of Rush right? I caught him in many lies until the day I gave up on him. I have no stomach to listen to these guys. I'm just throwing out there that they may be spinning this or have left out some context. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Another “Biden Buddy” trying to defend the indefensible.
Another “Biden Buddy” trying to defend the indefensible. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Versus another trump worshiper that is unable or unwilling to acknowledge context because it doesn't fit their narrative.
adav8s28's Avatar
I was listening to Clay and Buck just now, and it seems they are the first to report that Joe Biden practically plagiarized Ronald Reagan’s 2984 Speech at Normandy word for word.



I haven’t found a link yet, but they played each sentence of each speech, comparing them.

Biden is a known lier and plagiarizer, but this goes too far.

As soon as a link comes up, I will post it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama word for word to the extent that her writer offered to resign when the issue blew up.

At least this was not on a Term Paper to get a good grade in some class.
texassapper's Avatar
It's not the first time....

texassapper's Avatar
Melania Trump plagiarized Michelle Obama word for word... Originally Posted by adav8s28
Nobody cares because neither Melania nor Mooche were elected to do anything.
Many of you don't trust media outlets like the NY Times. I know they are biased but not that much in their general news stories. And they seem to be saying he acknowledged Regan's remarks and stated openly he used the speech for inspiration due to how good it was.

Meanwhile the Clay and Buck show seems to be as biased as any show can be. They are the inheritors of Rush right? I caught him in many lies until the day I gave up on him. I have no stomach to listen to these guys. I'm just throwing out there that they may be spinning this or have left out some context. Originally Posted by gladi8r
Another “Biden Buddy” trying to defend the indefensible. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You just say that. But I gave you a possible explanation for what really happened. I did not judge whether it was right. But you just dismiss it by calling me names. Not helpful and does not make you look like you know what you are talking about.

So I did what you did not. I looked up a line by line comparison and I will post it here. It is only part of it and I do not know if it is accurate. It does not seem to be plagiarism to me. I don't know for sure. But at least I made more effort than you did just by making dumb comments. If you want to say something else then please do some actual work to find something that supports what you say. And if you find other stuff that looks better than mine then I will be man enough to say you are probably right. I won't hold my breath though.

Here is the piece I found

Biden: At last the hour had come. Dawn. 6th of June, 1944…

Reagan: At dawn on the morning of the 6th of June, 1944…

Biden: Two hundred and twenty five American Rangers arrived by ship, jumped into the waves and stormed the beach.

Reagan: Two hundred and twenty five Rangers jumped off the British landing craft and ran to the bottom of these cliffs.

Biden: Gunfire rained above them, but still, they kept coming. Nazi grenades thrown from above exploded against the cliffs, but still, they kept coming.

Reagan: The Rangers looked up and saw the enemy soldiers at the edge of the cliffs, shooting down at them with machine guns and throwing grenades, and the American Rangers began to climb.

Biden: They launched their ladders, their ropes and grappling hooks, and they began to climb.

Reagan: They shot rope ladders over the face of these cliffs and began to pull themselves up.

Biden: When the Nazis cut their ladders, the Rangers used the ropes and the Nazis cut the ropes. The Rangers used their hands.

Reagan: When one Ranger fell, another would take his place. When one rope was cut, a ranger would grab another and begin his climb again.

Biden: And inch by inch, foot by foot, yard by yard, the Rangers clawed, literally clawed their way up this mighty precipice until the last they reached the top.

Reagan: Soon, one by one, the Rangers pulled themselves over the top.

Biden: They breached Hitler’s Atlantic Wall, and they turned, in that one effort, the tide of the war that began to save the world.

Reagan: And in seizing the firm land at the top of these cliffs, they began to seize back the continent of Europe.
texassapper's Avatar
C'mon... he just asked chatGPT to rewrite Reagans speech for him...
C'mon... he just asked chatGPT to rewrite Reagans speech for him... Originally Posted by texassapper
I doubt Biden has the ability to write anything.
  • Tiny
  • 06-07-2024, 02:41 PM
I doubt Biden has the ability to write anything. Originally Posted by Jackie S
You know, you're right, he wouldn't have written that himself. He's an 81 year old man. We're being too hard on him.
I doubt Biden has the ability to write anything. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And there we go. Your response to my post above is noted.

BTW don't call me a Biden buddy. I am registered with the GOP my entire life and have always voted the ticket. But people like you are making it more difficult. Act like Regan. Not Trump.
txdot-guy's Avatar
I’m going to do a Melania here. “I Really Don’t Care. Do U?”