Encounter: Juju is amazing

Date: 06/02/2024
Name: Juju
Phone: secret
Email Address: greenlightscreening@gmail.com
URL / Website: https://www.green-light1.net/
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: private apt
Activities: DFK, LFK, 69, DATY, BBBJ, MISH, FIV, doggie, bbfs, cip, msog, massage
Hair Length and Color: longish dark brown
Age: don't know
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Butterfly tat on back of the neck, lower mid section tattoo, neon nail polish on toes and fingers. Nice MM c's. Always clean and fresh. Not more than chin height to me. I'm 5'9 for reference
Recommendation: Yes
White Tiger's Avatar
Helpful review. She is on my to do list.
Big b.o.b.1's Avatar
Originally Posted by Shh1738
Nice review
Originally Posted by TheTopG655
What I mean't by this was she tried to hard to get a second pop out of me even though I couldn't deliver.
Satellite of Love's Avatar
Don't bother trying to explain yourself to him, dude has been on a crusade against GL for months after he felt jilted by a hyped review. He has admitted he doesn't use them yet bumps old threads, starts polls to trash them, posts about these polls in the Men's Lounge to up engagement and jumps on every thread about GL to inject his spite. He'll try to play it off as doing a service for the community but in reality its just a vendetta.
Juju is all-time top 3 in service, top quartile in studio tier for looks.
White Tiger's Avatar
Theshanxter, thats an interesting comment, coming from someone with 23 reviews. Sent you a pm.