Is Monday a day off for most Ladies?

Bancroft1957's Avatar
Okay, here's the question. I work all weekend, and my day-off is usually Monday. Now I know, all most all of the fine ladies here work all weekend as well. It's almost impossible to find a quality lady available on a Monday. So to all you exquisite ladies out there, is Monday usually a day off for you?

I'm so lonely on Mondays!
of the canada gals in niagara falls are on mondays. just a thought
faith28's Avatar
My Weekends are my days off. I work Monday thru Friday and one saturday a month
Nope! Originally Posted by Erica Hall
I can verify that statement.
Bancroft1957's Avatar
So it looks as if I'll have to rearrange my work shedule, so as to not work all weekend. It appears I'm not getting F@$k-ed, by getting F$&k-ed at work!
GP's Avatar
  • GP
  • 09-26-2011, 07:45 PM
I used to have a young lady I used to see. She told me her busiest day was Monday's.
  • Chloe
  • 09-26-2011, 11:49 PM
I am very low volume for quality time I am available 2 days a week in different areas between Monday and Saturday depending on the request and demands Monday is not off limits, If a gentleman requests an overnight or multiples hours I magically become available on my "off" time. . . .or if they wanna play with my favorites like Erica Hall or Angelina . . .I will run out to play!!!
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Mondays are usually my busiest day of the week as well
Maybe you should just get off the couch or the easy chair and give a lady a call...just sayen..some work by email..some of US work by teli!!!do the homework
Bancroft1957's Avatar
What is this thing "the teli", of which you speak? I hated homework as a kid! LOL I know, I know....but wouldn't it be easier if you ladies chased us guys for our money? What I would'nt give for a "buyers market" for once!!!

Luv you 'nita!

Maybe you should just get off the couch or the easy chair and give a lady a call...just sayen..some work by email..some of US work by teli!!!do the homework
muah!!!nita!! Originally Posted by anita germane
hahahhahaha loven right back atcha Bancroft!!!!teli...short for tel-i-phone..cell-i- phone..but please don't confuse the two with a PAYPHONE!!! I still wont see ya if you call me from a payphone!!

oh my goodness isn't a lady called a "wife" if she gotta hunt you down for your money??!!!hahahhahahahahaha!!!
you know like 'honey I need your money to pay for the west wing!!! OR
"i gotta have money for the plumber... I told you not to flush them condoms!!!!