He let BLM torch Minneapolis and Kabama bailed them out!!! What a team!!!
Lets be clear on one thing, the Democratic party is the party of Anti Semitism.She wasn’t going to pick Shapiro for two reason, he’s Jewish and he’s smarter than she is. I know being smarter than her is a low bar. So she found a complete imbecile to make her look smart.
When your own state Senator tells the country not to pick his own governor for VP, and the only reason is, he's Jewish, what else is there to say about them.
We know they are leftists, we know they hate Israel, because even though its a very liberal country, its also the only Democracy in the middle East, and that makes the Muslims angry, it makes the Democrats hate them, because they can count.
14 Million Jews in the world, vs. 2 BILLION MUSLIMS, who, is going to gain them the most votes in the future, and I can state, its not the Jews.
Damn I wish Stevepar was still alive, because I'd love to hear a liberal Jews view on being abandoned by the Party they primarily belong to.
IF anyone here is Jewish, and not afraid to state it, I'd like to hear your thoughts on what occurred, would you defend not picking Shapiro, or why you agree with the choice to pick the old grey haired white dude?
I think Walz was the worst possible pick, they are likely to win his state anyway, this puts PA back in play which, I think is far more likely to go Trump. Originally Posted by Devo
She wasn’t going to pick Shapiro for two reason, he’s Jewish and he’s smarter than she is. I know being smarter than her is a low bar. So she found a complete imbecile to make her look smart. Originally Posted by bambinoIn another world, Shapiro may not have been such a bad guy, volunteered for the IDF, proposed school vouchers, is vehemently anti Palestinian, though, he says he's changed.
In another world, Shapiro may not have been such a bad guy, volunteered for the IDF, proposed school vouchers, is vehemently anti Palestinian, though, he says he's changed.He proposed school vouchers. Then did nothing about them.
Which I have to say is hard to believe, especially after October 7th.
And, he's on the rise at the National Level, besides intelligence, she's outshined by him, and he was no guarantee for not being a candidate on his own in 2028, especially if Kamala is actually appointed President by theft, like Joe was.
You know if she is elected, our country is doomed.
I think Wals is a moron, and so far left, he brings NO crossover at all, purely a party line candidate. Originally Posted by Devo