
duplicate ignore anyone that responds
I mean if ya'll actually want to know why. There were 3 main reasons as to why I left.

For context, just as an example before I get to those reasons:

On one occasion we were talking about the lackluster service of Japanese providers in Dallas. It was Me, Ronin, Erik, Ricky ( Off the top of my head, this is searchable in chat) We all agreed to some degree that the service is lackluster. Fast forward, the same conversation happens, but Casper singles me out and calls me weak minded for this view. After Multiple people having this view. Dude just doesn't like me (Searchable btw.)

1: Casper keeps insulting me constantly
I was miserable. I just took it multiple times and finally got fed up. I could have kicked him multiple times but didn't.

2: Aspen California constantly condescending me.

I don't know if he knew he did it or how it was coming off, but on one occasion he sent me a review of Mina getting railed and asked me if I was butt hurt reading it. The straw was when we were voting on people to add to the group White tiger's name came up, I said no because we're an anti promoter group. He tells me I'm just saying that because he disagreed or spoke out against me, which never happened. Even Ronin agreed white tiger was a promoter. He just always threw that type of shade.

3: I didn't have ownership of the group at the end

I was tired of Casper and was finally at the decision to kick him. I gave ownership to AJohnDough at one point and never got it back, so when I told him to kick casper because I was done, he just said to block him. Mind you 98% of the time always had this dude's back. Whenever he told me to post something about a girl, that later turned out to be not true, always did it no questions asked. Dude didn't have my back.

My options were stay in the group and be miserable or leave and have some peace, so I left. It wasn't complicated.