hot water heater

DallasRain's Avatar
I am in need of a hot water lol
Why do you need to heat your hot water? ��
DallasRain's Avatar
lol the pilot keeps going out
I bought a coupling (?) but think its wrong part...the heater is from late 1980s...I cant afford new one and Im not getting my landlird involved cause my rent us so cheap that she may raise it if I get a new one from her!
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
There's no choice but a new water heater.
Anything "used" is probably on it's last legs, just don't.
Usually it’s the thermo coupler that goes out. But often it can be dust buildup on the coupler, pilot light, igniter or the burner.
Try vacuuming the area out good, then lite the pilot light.
DallasRain's Avatar
thanks yall

i got it taken care of